java Programming Glossary: arbitrary
When to use wrapper class and primitive type
Why did java have the reputation of being slow? [closed] optimizes away a lot of redundant bounds checks . Lack of arbitrary memory access can make some I O and bit level processing slow..
Efficient equivalent for removing elements while iterating the Collection I realize you can't always have both I'm also using an arbitrary Collection here not necessarily an ArrayList so you can't rely..
Is List<Dog> a subclass of List<Animal>? Why aren't Java's generics implicitly polymorphic? value and know that it will be an Animal but you can't add arbitrary animals. The reverse is true for List super Animal in that case..
What is a raw type and why shouldn't we use it? since a List E defines only add E you can't add just any arbitrary object to a List . On the other hand since the raw type List..
How to stop a java thread gracefully? become visible to other threads potentially resulting in arbitrary behavior. That's why you should have a guard.. share improve..
A better Java JSON library? [closed] string to an equivalent Java object. Gson can work with arbitrary Java objects including pre existing objects that you do not..
Parse any date in Java is asked quite a bit and obviously you can't parse any arbitrary date. However I find that the python dateutil library is able..
Java tree data-structure? represent the following The tree at any node can have an arbitrary number of children Each node after the root is just a String..
How can a Java program get its own process ID? Java virtual machine. The returned name string can be any arbitrary string and a Java virtual machine implementation can choose..
How can you search Google Programmatically Java API Java be converted to a fullworthy Javabean object using an arbitrary Java JSON API. One of the best is Google Gson . Now do the math..
What is the difference between compare() and compareTo()? a Comparator object You can create Comparators to sort any arbitrary way for any class . For example the String class defines the..
Playing MP3 using Java Sound API that is designed to handle Clips of arbitrary size limited only by the amount of memory available to the app...
How to escape text for regular expression in Java in Java Does Java have a built in way to escape arbitrary text so that it can be included in a regular expression For..
Cartesian product of arbitrary sets in Java product of arbitrary sets in Java Do you know some neat Java libaries that allow.. for details. Here is a way to do it recursively for an arbitrary number of sets public static Set Set Object cartesianProduct.. for instance Triple A B C but there is no way to have an arbitrary number of generic parameters in Java. share improve this answer..
Why doesn't Java offer operator overloading? [closed] for not allowing operator overloading Is the reason arbitrary or lost to time java c operator overloading share improve..
Capturing stdout when calling Runtime.exec myself. I've found Runtime.exec will allow me to execute arbitrary commands but Collecting the results in a String is more interesting...
Convert String to code on my platform for some odd reason... Warning Compiling arbitrary Java code can be hazardous to your health. Consider yourself..