java Programming Glossary: argue
Why are these == but not `equals()`?
What are first-class objects in Java and C#? consensus. For example a Javascript language expert might argue strenuously that an object is only first class if it is template..
Xml configuration versus Annotation based configuration annotations so I don't know how good they are but I would argue that leaving the mapping of beans to the database in XML is..
Who is calling the Java Thread interrupt() method if I'm not? to run under the control of some framework you could argue that the InterruptedException is an unexpected exception i.e...
Modern alternatives to Java [closed] but does not prohibit simple mutability. One could argue that one off utilities do not have to be super fast but sometimes..
Why doesn't Java Map extends Collection? It must be useful somehow and I think it's easy to argue for that position . You can't ask what value a given key maps..
Java: when to use static methods this could be converted to a non static version some would argue that since there isn't a privileged choice of which Car is more..
Why must wait() always be in synchronized block that needs synchronization to work correctly. One could argue that this should be implicit but that would not really help..
assert vs. JUnit Assertions were run not good. In general because of this I would argue that using the JUnit assertTrue is the better practice because..
What is the standard way to bundle OSGi dependent libraries? you end up with the same jar installed many times. You can argue that your bundle can export the interfaces for the embedded..
Is Grails worth it? [closed] time is better spent doing it with pure Java I wouldn't argue otherwise.. I still have my WTFs but now that the steep learning..
Avoid synchronized(this) in Java? exposing too much information Other people including me argue that synchronized this is an idiom that is used a lot also in..
Interface naming in Java [closed] in most languages Class User Interface IUser Now you might argue that you could always pick a most descriptive name for the user..
The case against checked exceptions the lack rather than a well thought out decision. I would argue that while the over use of checked exceptions is a bad thing..
Java: deep copy, shallow copy, clone [duplicate] something different for every Java class. Some people argue as @supercat does in comments that the Java clone method is..
Spring @Autowired usage make public setters for dependencies any more So you could argue that we're 1 in the encapsulation information hiding department..
How to generate a regular expression at runtime to match a numeric range for this task is debatable. Most people would probably argue that it's not. As I understand it however you have no choice..
Using Singleton design pattern for SQLiteDatabase be a good enough solution for this I know some purists may argue against it but please note that this is a rather simple application..
Hibernate, iBatis, Java EE or other Java ORM tool ibatis but I'm also really comfortable with SQL. Some will argue they're way more productive with Hibernate but this is possibly..