java Programming Glossary: aren't
Why aren't Java Collections remove methods generic? aren't Java Collections remove methods generic Why isn't Collection.remove..
How to really read text file from classpath in Java .getResourceAsStream SomeTextFile.txt If those aren't working that suggests something else is wrong. So for example..
What's the best way to validate an XML file against an XSD file?
Choosing a Java Web Framework now? [closed] vs. Struts2 to get an idea of it . GWT Flex Grails These aren't maybe not what you're looking for. I can't really talk about..
Efficient equivalent for removing elements while iterating the Collection ... even though multiple threads aren't doing it... Anyway. What's the best solution to this problem..
Why is it a bad practice to call System.gc? that do not stop the world as you assert but some JVMs aren't that smart or for various reasons perhaps they are on a phone..
How to limit setAccessible to only “legitimate” uses? setAccessible while unsigned applet classes from aren't allowed to do setAccessible. As was said before this permission..
What is null in Java? find where and how null is used. Do keep in mind that they aren't always the best practice examples. Generally speaking null are..
Why don't Java Generics support primitive types? example get 0 returns an Object and the primitive types aren't. So they can't be used in generics. C# is a separate matter..
Is List<Dog> a subclass of List<Animal>? Why aren't Java's generics implicitly polymorphic? List Dog a subclass of List Animal Why aren't Java's generics implicitly polymorphic I'm a bit confused about..
Validating input using java.util.Scanner do keep in mind which methods are regex based and which aren't. Any Scanner method that takes a String pattern argument is..
Multiple wildcards on a generic methods makes Java compiler (and me!) very confused List List String List String This makes no sense Here we aren't even trying to use two different types and it doesn't compile.. main . All of the probablyIllegal methods in the question aren't illegal. They are all perfectly legal and typesafe. There is..
Why are only final variables accessible in anonymous class? and another changes made to the parameters of one method aren't seen by its caller but changes made to the objects referred..
Good Java graph algorithm library? of JGraphT algorithms some time ago. Some of them aren't the quickest but if you're going to implement them on your own..
Virtual Memory Usage from Java under Linux, too much memory used a result the RSS statistic may include lots of pages that aren't in active use. Bottom Line Unless you're swapping don't get..
Why isn't calling a static method by way of an instance an error for the Java compiler? for static methods. It doesn't. Static methods just aren't polymorphic. Here's a short but complete program to demonstrate..
How do you make a deep copy of an object in Java?
Why use Interfaces, Multiple Inheritance vs Interfaces, Benefits of Interfaces? We are not using its code. We can't. Interfaces aren't used to achieve multiple inheritance. They replace it with safer..
How to reference components in JSF ajax? Cannot find component with identifier “foo” in view way . If this all still doesn't work then verify if you aren't using h form prependId false . This will fail during processing..