java Programming Glossary: afterwards
Appengine DevMode : access denied (“java.lang.RuntimePermission” “”) 12.04 and restored the backup of my workspace and Eclipse afterwards. Now when I try to start my AppEngine GWT application I run..
How do you simulate low memory in the Android emulator? to 10 000 Kb so that all apps invoked from this shell afterwards won't be able to access more memory. share improve this answer..
Listen to a shoutcast with Android a clue what's the best way to establish a connection and afterwards continually download receive the data stream. I really hope..
Capture generated dynamic content at server side at local disk file system so that it can be accessed afterwards in the subsequent requests. E.g. package mypackage import wrapResponse httpResponse copyWriter Store the copy writer afterwards in session so that it's available in next request. HttpServletRequest..
Class with single method — best approach? this single method while having no use for the instance afterwards Creating an instance of a class is a very very cheap operation..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot forward after response has been committed a forward . To fix this you need to add a return statement afterwards protected void doPost if someCondition sendRedirect return forward..
Type List vs type ArrayList in Java here . You may start with an ArrayList but soon afterwards discover that another implementation is more appropriate. share..
java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date it was of the correct type but when you request the data afterwards you may notice that you're actually missing stuff. I'm really..
Which is the best alternative for Java Serialization? don't have any control so these objects could be recovered afterwards. We can't implement a ORM because we can't restrict the users..
Volatile guarantees and out-of-order execution setBoth ... and that we can only set their references afterwards to non null reference only the constructor is allowed to set..
Forcing a save as dialogue from any web browser from JSF application need to ensure that you call FacesContext#responseComplete afterwards to avoid IllegalStateException s flying around. Kickoff example..
Java equivalent to PHP's preg_replace_callback be best to simply queue each match in the callback then afterwards run through them backwards. This will prevent having to remap..
Java: volatile boolean vs AtomicBoolean 5 If two threads call the function parallely i might be 5 afterwards since the code will be compiled like this except you cannot.. an AtomicBoolean you can be sure it has the original value afterwards with a volatile boolean you can't. The purpose of volatile is..
Where can I find a Java to C# converter?
Must JDBC Resultsets and Statements be closed separately although the Connection is closed afterwards? be closed separately although the Connection is closed afterwards It is said to be a good habit to close all JDBC resources after..
Java ReentrantReadWriteLocks - how to safely acquire write lock? then pick up its hold on the read lock in the same state afterwards Since this ReadWriteLock implementation was specifically designed.. readlock this many times and reacquire it the same number afterwards . So this works as shown by a quick and dirty test final int..
How does Java convert int into byte? move left until you find the first 1 then invert every bit afterwards. The resulting number is the positive version of that number..
Giving JMenuItem's name to it's ActionListener actionListener parentmenu.add item Interrogating the item afterwards and outside the scope of this method with getName gives the..