java Programming Glossary: afraid
clone() vs copy constructor vs factory method? sense but this highly google ranked article makes me a bit afraid. Here are the issues that I've noticed Copy constructors don't..
Eclipse classpath entries only used for tests unit testing classpath share improve this question I'm afraid the answer is that you can't. There are 2 open issues which..
any experience with “Play” java web development framework? [closed] that I still get to use Groovy in the page templates. I'm afraid I may end up putting more code in the templates than I should..
Good XMPP Java Libraries for server side? [closed] user's tcp connection. So not too short of a summary I'm afraid. But that's what I want to do. I suppose I could just write..
Java EE 6 vs. Spring 3 stack [closed] choice Or a Java EE 6 web application could be better I'm afraid that Java EE 6 is a new technology not well documented yet... you didn't look at CDI let me tell you that it rocks. I'm afraid that Java EE 6 is a new technology not well documented yet...
Why people are so afraid of using clone() (on collection and JDK classes)? people are so afraid of using clone on collection and JDK classes A number of times..
What are your impressions of Maven? [closed] are you going to host your own repository . And don't be afraid to go with something other than Maven eg Ant . The success of..
MP3 Encoding in Java article . If LAME4J is not stable enough for you then I'm afraid your options are probably wait for Sun to license the format..
Should you always Code To Interfaces In Java methods that are actually needed by the callers. Don't be afraid to extract more then one separate interfaces if not all of the..
Java: How to pass byte[] by reference? in Java . The former is better written than the latter I'm afraid. One day I'll get round to doing an update. share improve..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android Hopefully whatever I am doing wrong is simple but I'm afraid it's never that easy. This is my first time doing any Bluetooth..
Howto unescape a Java string literal in Java programmer Java is anything but my favorite language. I ™m afraid that I really do have to side with Rob Pike in his famous public..
Graphing the pitch (frequency) of a sound pitch detection or windowing as others have suggested I'm afraid you are going to have learn what the maths means. share improve..
Tomcat vs Weblogic JNDI Lookup I must provide the formal java comp env jdbc appds . I'm afraid the Tomcat version is an implicit standard but unfortunately..
Is it possible in java make something like Comparator but for implementing custom equals() and hashCode() So I don't want to implement hashCode and equals cause I'm afraid to break something somewhere in the system where that objects..
Why java Instance initializers? assignments to final etc. And another tip don't be afraid to create methods too that simplify your instance block private..
When do you use varargs in Java? do you use varargs in Java I'm afraid of varargs. I don't know what to use them for. Plus it feels..
CSV parsing in Java - working example..? [closed] The problem is I am a total java beginner. I am afraid non of those libraries can do what I need or I can't convince..
How to convert List<Integer> to int[] in Java? for each type . It's ugly but that's the way it is I'm afraid Even though the Arrays class came out before generics arrived..