java Programming Glossary: affects
final array in Java final java share improve this question final in Java affects the variable it has nothing to do with the object you are assigning..
Combining Raw Types and Generic Methods the List i.e. E . I have no idea how using a raw type here affects the evaluation of parameterized methods using independent type..
Handling Character Encoding in URI on Tomcat know better than I whether setting the request encoding affects the query string to parameter mapping or just the body . First..
alternative to memcached that can persist to disk if one of them fails or needs to be rebooted it seriously affects the performance of the system. According to the original memcached..
java socket / output stream writes : do they block? There is a Socket.setSoTimeout method but it affects accept and read calls ... and not write calls. Apparently you..
When should one use final? that object reference refers to can still change and that affects the immutability. Final static fields Although I use enums now..
Why java.lang.Object is not abstract? [duplicate] was introduced after Object was designed. So whether it affects reflection or not is moot it's not the reason. The same for..
SessionTimeout: web.xml vs session.maxInactiveInterval() during runtime. The change by the way only affects the current session instance not globally else it would have..
Booleans, conditional operators and autoboxing is that the explicit type of the returnsNull method affects the static typing of the expressions at compile time E1 `true..
Understanding EJB3/JPA container-level transactions and isolation level beware that applying MANDATORY on the class actually only affects methods defined in that exact class not in super classes. If..
Does it help GC to null local variables in Java
Hidden features of Struts 2 framework [closed] the path used in the request ie. brett 24 . This usually affects attributes that attempt to guess the namespace of an action..
Using scanner.nextLine() loop and an if else structure. I don't understand why this affects the behavior of scanner.nextInt . I am stumped and appreciate..
invokeAndWait method in SwingUtilities the event thread model of Swing. Basically everything that affects the GUI in any way must happen on a single thread . This is.. be used when a non GUI thread needs to do something that affects the GUI but also needs to wait until it is actually done before.. it can continue. If you just want to do something that affects the GUI but do not care when it is finished you should instead..
How can I improve my junit tests are getting difficult to maintain any change in a test affects other tests. The tests run 8 9 min which is great for continuous..
Does it matter what I choose for serialVersionUID when extending Serializable classes in Java? it at the right time i.e. when you make a change which affects serialization e.g. removing a field it shouldn't matter what..
Is it possible to unproxy a Spring bean? as it breaks a whole lot of other beans this attribute affects all beans in the context . Is there a way to unproxy the injected..