java Programming Glossary: affect
Immutability of Strings in Java Hello Now there is nothing 1 we could do to s1 that would affect the value of s2 . They refer to the same object the string Hello..
How to Find Default Charset/Encoding in Java? this apparently throws off defaultCharset but it doesn't affect the real default charset used by OutputStreamWriter. Is this..
Java - escape string to prevent SQL injection will be placed directly in the database. They won't affect the INSERT statement in any way. There are different set methods..
Xml configuration versus Annotation based configuration best expressed as XML because although it will eventually affect how the code operates it won't change the main functionality..
Capitalize First Char of Each Word in a String Java the first character of each word in a String and does not affect the others Examples jon skeet Jon Skeet miles o'Brien Miles..
Eclipse: Attach source/javadoc to a library via a local property then import this special preference file which will only affect the Linked Resources part. That solution is not very satisfying..
How can we match a^n b^n with Java regex? java.util.regex.Pattern Linked questions Does lookaround affect which languages can be matched by regular expressions .NET Regex..
proper hibernate annotation for byte[] past experience . So this explains why use streams has no affect they both assume 'bytea'. public void set PreparedStatement..
How do I address unchecked cast warnings? it can go on local variables this way it doesn't even affect the entire method. Example @SuppressWarnings unchecked Map String..
Is System.nanoTime() completely useless? for now Edit I know that changing the system time doesnt affect nanotime. that is not the problem i describe above. The problem..
Java IO implementation of unix/linux “tail -f” in its own Thread so that you can sleep it and not affect any other areas of your application. You would want to expose..
Draw a line in a JPanel with button click in Java the example to show how to use a panel of buttons to affect the drawing. See also this related example that uses the Action..
java: “final” System.out, and System.err? involved in a lock or volatile read does not have to affect what value is read from a final field. Since the value of write..
Is there a way to override class variables in Java? the same name 'me'. Hiding a variable in this way does not affect the value of the class variable 'me' in the superclass Dad...
How to choose the right bean scope? Abusing a view scoped bean for request scoped data doesn't affect the client but it unnecessarily occupies server memory. Note..
How do I accept a self-signed certificate with a Java HttpsURLConnection? machines for one module they may not use it would affect all other Java applications using the same JRE and I don't like.. TrustManager gets installed globally and I presume would affect all other connections from our application and that doesn't..
how to sort Map values by key in Java a HashMap moving from 1000 items to 10 000 doesn't really affect your time to lookup an element but for a TreeMap the lookup..
Typing Chinese with PrimeFaces' <p:editor> component checks the request header as follows which does not affect the request parameter encoding as request parameters won't be.. is by the way unnecessary as it won't be affected by this issue. @WebFilter public class CharacterEncodingFilter..