java Programming Glossary: acting
Tracking down a memory leak / garbage-collection issue in Java. seem to catch consistently is that garbage collection is acting up. Can anyone give any advice as to a Why a JVM is using 8.. else has these issues. I tried jmap while the process was acting up but this usually caused the jvm to hang further and I would.. the issue of the leak the app was still unstable and acting unpredictably. Finally I found the option XX HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError..
How to rotate a vertex around a certain point? one of these points by X degrees with the other point acting as a center. float distX Math.abs centerX point2X float distY..
Place JLabel on top of JLabel with image in as in i am trying to place a JLabel on top of a JLabel acting as a background I want to display changing numbers using the..
Positioning of components (how to place a few buttons center screen same size) where wanted on a JFrame In my case I have a simple Jframe acting as a menu. The frame consists of a label at the top and three..
eclipse with Android sdk, ERROR: Java heap space and I just updated it so I don't know if that is why is acting up this way this is how my eclipse.ini looks right now startup..
Android “single top” launch mode and onNewIntent method . All this leads me to believe that my activity is not acting like a single top and I don't understand why. To add some background..
How to scan a folder in Java? has to wait for all I O operations to complete before acting. This allows incremental GUI updates early cancellation etc...
Embed a JRE in a Windows executable? to embed both the application and a JRE into an .exe file acting as the application launcher and not as an installer java windows..
Stateless and Stateful Enterprise Java Beans their state in between method calls why is my program acting the way it is package mybeans import javax.ejb.LocalBean import..
In ArrayBlockingQueue, why copy final member field into local final variable? final Additionally it also uses a local copy of E before acting on it private E extract final E items this.items E x items takeIndex..
servlet vs filter have any dependencies on a web resource for which it is acting as a filter this way it can be composed with more than one type..
Dynamic java bean from xsd java bean from xsd I have two applications one acting as client and the other as server. In server application I generate..
What's the difference between @Component, @Repository & @Service annotations in Spring? or do they provide any particular functionality besides acting as a notation device In other words if I have a Service class..
Bulk insert in Java using prepared statements batch update call executeBatch . Hence the Statement instance is really acting as an argument buffer you're trading memory for convenience..
JAR Bundler using OSXAdapter causing application to lag or terminate But after this minor modification my application starts acting up. Sometimes it doesn't open even though I can see in the Console..
How to connect to HTTPS server using Common Access Card authentication process programmatically in java kind of acting like browser . How do I retrieve the information from the CAC..
Listening for input without focus in Java the mouse. while in the course of debugging if it starts acting in a way that I don't want it's hard to quit the program since..