java Programming Glossary: aconst_null
' … != null' or 'null != …' best performance? public void nullNot Code Stack 2 Locals 1 Args_size 1 0 aconst_null 1 aload_0 2 getfield #2 Field value Ljava lang String 5 if_acmpeq..
Why is an anonymous inner class containing nothing generated from this code? #2 class OuterClass PrivateInnerClass 3 dup 4 aload_0 5 aconst_null 6 invokespecial #3 Method OuterClass PrivateInnerClass. init.. of type 1 and the value of that default argument is 5 aconst_null . I've found that 1 doesn't get created if either of the following..
Which is more effective: if (null == variable) or if (variable == null)? push 0 12 istore_2 store For boolean b null variable 3 aconst_null push null 4 aload_1 load variable 5 if_acmpne 12 check if equal..
Is this valid Java? 3 .limit locals 1 Call the method that returns String aconst_null invokestatic TestWillThatCompile f Ljava util List Ljava lang.. Ljava lang String Call the method that returns Integer aconst_null invokestatic TestWillThatCompile f Ljava util List Ljava lang..
Accessing Java static final ivar value through reflection Ljava lang String Ljava lang StringBuilder 69 aload 7 71 aconst_null 72 invokevirtual #13 Method java lang reflect Field.get Ljava..