java Programming Glossary: accident
How to draw an image over another image? String INTERSECTION_LINK http accident diagram.jpg private BufferedImage intersectionImage public IntersectionImagePanel..
Are java primitive ints atomic by design or by accident? java primitive ints atomic by design or by accident Are java primitive integers int atomic at all for that matter..
ChooserActivity has leaked IntentReceiver the same issue and think I stumbled across the answer on accident though it's strange. Within the emulator if you do something..
codingBat plusOut using regex
what is the difference between null != object and object!=null [duplicate] languages where it is valid to write if object null and accidentally assign null to the object. It is a guard to stop this accident.. assign null to the object. It is a guard to stop this accident from happening. The second whilst equivalent has the added advantage..
Equals method for objects happen to pass an object of a totally different class by accident unexpected behavior might occur although then again if they..
Should I avoid the use of set(Preferred|Maximum|Minimum)Size methods in Java Swing? don't know personally I think of it as an api design accident. Slightly forced by compound components having special ideas..
Java multi-threading & Safe Publication are full of synchronization bugs and essentially work by accident or very very occasionally fail never heard of anybody get a..