java Programming Glossary: accidentally
PopUp dialog Android from background thread of typing text the moment the dialog appears and could accidentally act on the dialog. Users are used to dealing with notifications..
Why aren't Java Collections remove methods generic? Collection E could have boolean remove E o Then when you accidentally try to remove for example Set String instead of each individual..
Checking for null - what order? but the second one has one advantage It prevents you from accidentally changing a variable when you forget one . In that case the compiler..
How to force Jetty to ask for credentials with BASIC authentication after invalidating the session? URL and it will solve the problem. But make sure you don't accidentally open a security hole. This URL should not have any functionality..
Best practices regarding equals: to overload or not to overload? lost our things The bug of course is the fact that we've accidentally overloaded instead of overridden Object.equals Object . If we..
Why does java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue use 'while' loops instead of 'if' around calls to await()? the way you intended. Sometimes it will just get started accidentally and go Spurious wake up . So you have to keep waiting again..
Why should casting be avoided? of a C cast. This makes it more difficult to for example accidentally do a conversion you really didn't intend if you only intend..
Avoid synchronized(this) in Java? code may steal your lock very popular this one also has an accidentally variant all synchronized methods within the same class use the.. code may steal your lock very popular this one also has an accidentally variant I'm more worried about accidentally. What it amounts.. also has an accidentally variant I'm more worried about accidentally. What it amounts to is that this use of this is part of your..
What do < and > mean such as implements Comparable<BigInteger>? can do a lot more type checking at compile time you can't accidentally pass a String into something that implements Comparable BigInteger..
Build and Version Numbering for Java Projects (ant, cvs, hudson) to keep it from being tampered with intentionally or accidentally Is it better to compile it into a versioning class at build..
Using Singleton design pattern for SQLiteDatabase suggested by CommonsWare. this will ensure that you dont accidentally leak an Activitys context see this article for more information..
How can I put a control in the JTableHeader of a JTable? either didn't dig further minimize the possibility to accidentally just for me change bulk state f.i. by a clear visual separation..
Anonymous vs named inner classes? - best practices? does mean that you can protect an inner class from being accidentally used elsewhere. Also using the anonymous inner class gives anyone..
Java is NEVER pass-by-reference, right?…right? [duplicate] parameters final which keeps them from being reassigned accidentally or not inside the method. This would keep the second example..
Bidirectional multi-valued map in Java and making that copy unmodifiable to make sure that you accidentally don't modify vToKMultimap what wouldn't update kToVMultimap..
How to drive C#, C++ or Java compiler to compute 1+2+3+…+1000? metaprogramming . This is a technique that was discovered accidentally by Dr. Erwin Unruh during the process of standardizing the C..
Is it better practice to use String.format over string Concatenation in Java? and concatenation means you don't have to worry about accidentally putting in an extra s or missing one out. String.format is also..