java Programming Glossary: accurately
Tracking down a memory leak / garbage-collection issue in Java. This finally produced a very large ~6.5GB hprof file that accurately showed the state of the application. Ironically the file was..
Why does Java implicitly (without cast) convert a `long` to a `float`? int to double is okay a double has enough precision to accurately represent all int values. In some cases that would have been..
Get mouse detection with a dynamic shape ellipses to show how the contains .. method will accurately identify which ovals the mouse click falls inside. But the kind..
HttpServletRequest to complete URL caused this call to arrive at my servlet Or at least as accurately as possible as there are perhaps things that can be regenerated..
Performance profiler for a java application It makes some 3rd party calls. I need some good tool to accurately measure the time taken by individual API calls. To give an idea..
How to insert JSF page rendering time and response size into the page itself, at least partially? a chicken and egg problem and that it's not possible to accurately resolve the time it took to render a page or the size of response..
Why is my System.nanoTime() broken? the purpose we're using it measuring elapsed time more accurately than currentTimeMillis . Does anyone know why it's returning..
Does reflection breaks the idea of private methods, because private methods can be access outside of the class? the CLR is therefore complicated. Briefly and not entirely accurately the rules are these full trust means full trust. Fully trusted..
What is the exact meaning of Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() and freeMemory()? and maxMemory will be equal. Also if you want to accurately calculate the amount of used memory you do so with the following..
Why not use Double or Float to represent currency? improve this question Because floats and doubles cannot accurately represent most base 10 rational numbers. This is how an IEEE..
What is the difference between the float and integer data type when the size is the same? is a number between &minus 128 and 127. Therefore you can accurately represent all numbers that would fit in a 24 bit integer but..
Moving decimal places over in a double are compounding that error. However 100 can be represented accurately so try double x 1234 x 100 System.out.println x which prints..
Why can't I define a static method in a Java interface? notion of method dispatch which models observed behavior accurately. Pretend that each class has a hash table that maps method signatures..
What is the difference between an int and an Integer in Java and C#? for polymorphism are passed by reference or more accurately have references passed by value and are allocated from the heap..
java wait cursor display problem cursor the wait cursor appears. I am attaching a SSCE to accurately explain my problem. public class BusyCursorTest extends javax.swing.JFrame..
Android Shared Service? and as a result not being notified. More accurately the service in TestApplicationOne is a separate copy of the..
Hibernate: “Field 'id' doesn't have a default value” changes made to the model or to the ORM may not reflect accurately on the database even after an execution of SchemaUpdate . If..
Convert float to double without losing precision getting extra precision it's that the float didn't accurately represent the number you were aiming for originally. The double.. originally. The double is representing the original float accurately toString is showing the extra data which was already present...