c++ Programming Glossary: ws
Convert string to int with bool/fail in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1243428/convert-string-to-int-with-bool-fail-in-c s try std stringstream ss s int i if ss i .fail ss std ws .eof throw std bad_cast ... catch ... ... Faking boost #include.. s std stringstream ss s T result if ss result .fail ss std ws .eof throw std bad_cast return result int main void std string.. s std stringstream ss s T result if ss result .fail ss std ws .eof throw std bad_cast return result template typename T bool..
Which iomanip manipulators are 'sticky'? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1532640/which-iomanip-manipulators-are-sticky no boolalpha no showbase no showpoint no showpos no skipws no unitbuf no uppercase dec hex oct fixed scientific internal.. they affect any other part of the stream objects state. ws endl ends flush The conclusion is that setw seems to be the..
How do I tell if the c function atoi failed or if it was a string of zeros? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1640720/how-do-i-tell-if-the-c-function-atoi-failed-or-if-it-was-a-string-of-zeros std string str std istringstream iss str T obj iss std ws obj std ws if iss.eof throw dammit return obj share improve.. str std istringstream iss str T obj iss std ws obj std ws if iss.eof throw dammit return obj share improve this answer..
How to convert wstring into string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4804298/how-to-convert-wstring-into-string to convert wstring into string The question is how to convert wstring to.. wstring into string The question is how to convert wstring to string I have next example #include string #include.. example #include string #include iostream int main std wstring ws L Hello std string s ws.begin ws.end std cout std string..
How to format a datetime to string using boost? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5018188/how-to-format-a-datetime-to-string-using-boost ptime now second_clock universal_time and ending up with a wstring containing the date time in this format Y m d_ H M S Can.. posix_time.hpp #include iostream #include sstream std wstring FormatTime boost posix_time ptime now using namespace boost.. wtime_facet L Y m d_ H M S std basic_stringstream wchar_t wss wss.imbue loc wss now return wss.str int main using namespace..
What is the best way to do input validation in C++ with cin? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/545907/what-is-the-best-way-to-do-input-validation-in-c-with-cin int choice std istringstream iss getline iss choice std ws if iss.fail iss.eof handle failure It eats all trailing whitespace... versions of this answer used std cin directly but std ws won't work well together with std cin connected to a terminal..
C++ & Boost: encode/decode UTF-8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6140223/c-boost-encode-decode-utf-8 I'm trying to do a very simple task take a unicode aware wstring and convert it to a string encoded as UTF8 bytes and then.. containing UTF8 bytes and convert it to unicode aware wstring . The problem is I need it cross platform and I need it.. Trying to convert the code to use stringstream wstringstream instead of files of whatever but nothing seems to..
C++ Large Number Arithmetic http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12430339/c-large-number-arithmetic
Troubles with boost::spirit::lex & whitespace http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13361519/troubles-with-boostspiritlex-whitespace using boost spirit lex _end this self identifier this self WS white_space lex token_def identifier lex token_def white_space.. bool r iter end std cout std boolalpha r n Prints true WS as a Skipper state It is also possible you came across a sample.. a zA Z0 9_ white_space t n this self identifier this self WS white_space lex token_def identifier lex token_def lex omit..
How can I implement a RESTful webservice using C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/298113/how-can-i-implement-a-restful-webservice-using-c do a wrapper using SWIG or JNI in Java to benefit from the WS existing libraries because the computations are state dependant..