c++ Programming Glossary: writers
conversion precedence in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1092714/conversion-precedence-in-c considered to be one of the trickiest aspects for compiler writers to get exactly right in a C compiler refer to the excellent..
What Happens When Stack and Heap Collide http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1334055/what-happens-when-stack-and-heap-collide to you. I'm always amazed at the willingness of compiler writers to hope that the OS puts guard pages in place to prevent stack..
Why isn't C/C++'s “#pragma once” an ISO standard? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1695807/why-isnt-c-cs-pragma-once-an-iso-standard any case and adds a not insignificant burden to compiler writers. Obviously the results of this could be cached but the same..
How are exceptions implemented under the hood? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1995734/how-are-exceptions-implemented-under-the-hood more importantly it lacks certain features that compiler writers love either GOTO or continuations and that could be used to..
Why is partial specialziation of a nested class template allowed, while complete isn't? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2537716/why-is-partial-specialziation-of-a-nested-class-template-allowed-while-complete decision was taken just to simplify the life of compiler writers and make life harder for coders in the process P . share improve..
Using Assembly Language in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4202687/using-assembly-language-in-c-c from a table of cycles per instruction any more. Compiler writers spend time considering all those subtle factors especially those..
Why does a C/C++ compiler need know the size of an array at compile time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4341570/why-does-a-c-c-compiler-need-know-the-size-of-an-array-at-compile-time makes things significantly more complicated for compiler writers because they must now write code that accesses STACK_POINTER..
When can you omit the file extension in an #include directive? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/441568/when-can-you-omit-the-file-extension-in-an-include-directive now might well be the same As other answers have mentioned writers of non standard libraries may choose either naming convention..
Use of typename keyword with typedef and new http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4421306/use-of-typename-keyword-with-typedef-and-new amount of design for both compilers and standards writers while still requiring typename for the vast majority of other..
How can I use Standard Library (STL) classes in my dll interface or ABI? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5661738/how-can-i-use-standard-library-stl-classes-in-my-dll-interface-or-abi In particular the Standard doesn't specify how compiler writers should implement the Standard defined functionality. Compiler.. implement the Standard defined functionality. Compiler writers are free to provide a implementation of an STL class that adds..
Does DLL new/delete override the user code new/delete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5802005/does-dll-new-delete-override-the-user-code-new-delete
Proper way (move semantics) to return a std::vector from function calling in C++11 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6211575/proper-way-move-semantics-to-return-a-stdvector-from-function-calling-in-c with no further work on your part. In general non library writers won't need to use rvalue references directly you'll just reap..
Why do I need to use typedef typename in g++ but not VS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/642229/why-do-i-need-to-use-typedef-typename-in-g-but-not-vs standard or something that is left up to the compiler writers For those who don't know what I mean here is a sample template..
The relationship between auto and decltype http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6869888/the-relationship-between-auto-and-decltype were designed to fulfill the needs of generic library writers while at the same time being intuitive for novice programmers..
C/C++: Optimization of pointers to string constants http://stackoverflow.com/questions/690176/c-c-optimization-of-pointers-to-string-constants easy optimization probably so much so that most compiler writers don't even consider it much of an optimization at all. Setting..
Alloca implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/714692/alloca-implementation is the compiler offers some intrinsics which allow library writers to ask the compiler for the help needed. EDIT In fact in glibc..
Why doesn't C++ support dynamic arrays on the stack? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7458857/why-doesnt-c-support-dynamic-arrays-on-the-stack to debug stack overflows. More complicated for compiler writers. So why did they didn't they include it when they imported other..
Is std::vector or boost::vector thread safe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9042571/is-stdvector-or-boostvector-thread-safe container if there is one writer there shall be no more writers and no readers These are typically not what people would want..