c++ Programming Glossary: wt
Best C/C++ Libraries for maintaining session state in CGI application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1021112/best-c-c-libraries-for-maintaining-session-state-in-cgi-application trying to build a web application in C I'd recommend Wt a Qt like framework for creating web applications in C . It..
Using ACE with WT http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15832798/using-ace-with-wt following when it is used for editor doJavaScript command Wt3_3_0. 'oy4ycjy' .editor ace.edit Wt3_3_0. 'oy4ycjy' Wt3_3_0... doJavaScript command Wt3_3_0. 'oy4ycjy' .editor ace.edit Wt3_3_0. 'oy4ycjy' Wt3_3_0. 'oy4ycjy' .editor.setTheme 'ace theme.. Wt3_3_0. 'oy4ycjy' .editor ace.edit Wt3_3_0. 'oy4ycjy' Wt3_3_0. 'oy4ycjy' .editor.setTheme 'ace theme monokai' Wt3_3_0...
use c++ lib in flash builder as3 project http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17681533/use-c-lib-in-flash-builder-as3-project Onion library the network part of Poco libraries or the Wt library. BTW perhaps making a pure HTML5 Javascript interface..
C++ HTML template framework, templatizing library, HTML generator library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/355650/c-html-template-framework-templatizing-library-html-generator-library Version 2.7.2 on Oct 5 2011 Document Rich Community none Wt Site http www.webtoolkit.eu wt Project http www.webtoolkit.eu..
Are there any web frameworks for compiled languages like C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/480233/are-there-any-web-frameworks-for-compiled-languages-like-c language like C but so far the only thing we've found is Wt which looks more like desktop than web framework and it's documentation.. share improve this question If I were you I would give Wt a try. I don't think you will find another solution as complete.. will find another solution as complete and easy to use as Wt with similar performance. The mailinglist are active and has..
What's a good HTML template engine for C++? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/537820/whats-a-good-html-template-engine-for-c templates template engine share improve this question Wt pronounced 'witty' is a C library and application server for..
Which is the best c++ web framework? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/746309/which-is-the-best-c-web-framework this question The best solution avaliable for you is Wt is a Web Toolkit Wt that allows you to create high performance.. The best solution avaliable for you is Wt is a Web Toolkit Wt that allows you to create high performance AJAX applications..
C++ and Web Development http://stackoverflow.com/questions/933206/c-and-web-development
Why simple console app runs but dialog based does not run in WIN CE 6.0? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10959134/why-simple-console-app-runs-but-dialog-based-does-not-run-in-win-ce-6-0 int nCmdShow FILE pFile char c pFile fopen alphabet.txt wt for c 'A' c 'Z' c putc c pFile fclose pFile return 0 This simple.. do not need. FILE pFile char c pFile fopen alphabet.txt wt for c 'A' c 'Z' c putc c pFile fclose pFile CFffffDlg dlg m_pMainWnd..
Any good C/C++ web toolkit? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1252201/any-good-c-c-web-toolkit to retrieve columns from the Server feed this data back to wt model view. My requests Is there any more practical solution..
Using ACE with WT http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15832798/using-ace-with-wt http ace.ajax.org #nav about in WT http www.webtoolkit.eu wt . More specifically ACE in a WT Wt WTextArea or Wt WTabWidget.. of Java HTML. Thanks in advance mates java c html ajax wt share improve this question Maybe this puts you in the right.. earlier JWt java project like this import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.WApplication import eu.webtoolkit.jwt.WContainerWidget import..
Difference between files writen in binary and text mode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/229924/difference-between-files-writen-in-binary-and-text-mode fp_binary Versus text mode FILE fp_text fopen filename wt fwrite buffer size count fp_text c c file io share improve..
Redirecting cout to a console in windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/311955/redirecting-cout-to-a-console-in-windows the code which used to work if AllocConsole freopen CONOUT wt stdout SetConsoleTitle Debug Console SetConsoleTextAttribute..
Which C++ Library for CGI Programming? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/316200/which-c-library-for-cgi-programming you're looking for but there is a C web framework called wt pronounced witty . It's been kept pretty much up to date and.. looking for. You can check it out and read more at the wt homepage . P.S. You may have some trouble installing wt if you.. wt homepage . P.S. You may have some trouble installing wt if you don't have experience with nix or C libraries. There..
C++ HTML template framework, templatizing library, HTML generator library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/355650/c-html-template-framework-templatizing-library-html-generator-library Rich Community none Wt Site http www.webtoolkit.eu wt Project http www.webtoolkit.eu wt Group http www.webtoolkit.eu.. http www.webtoolkit.eu wt Project http www.webtoolkit.eu wt Group http www.webtoolkit.eu wt community License GPL and Commercial.. http www.webtoolkit.eu wt Group http www.webtoolkit.eu wt community License GPL and Commercial Language C Last Update..
Any good C/C++ web toolkit? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1252201/any-good-c-c-web-toolkit web toolkit I've been looking around and came across the WT toolkit Is it stable Any good I was stumped on how to go about..
Using ACE with WT http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15832798/using-ace-with-wt ACE with WT UPDATE 3 Final working code below. YOU NEED THE ace.js FROM.. libs you need the pre packaged version from their site. WText editor new WText root editor setText function n hello.abc.. the pre packaged version from their site. WText editor new WText root editor setText function n hello.abc n n editor setInline..