c++ Programming Glossary: wm_paste
Tag editor component for Delphi/C++Builder http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12597678/tag-editor-component-for-delphi-cbuilder begin Clipboard.AsText FTags.DelimitedText FTags.Clear end WM_PASTE begin if Clipboard.HasFormat CF_TEXT then if FTags.Count 0 then.. VK_DELETE Perform WM_CLEAR 0 0 VK_INSERT Perform WM_PASTE 0 0 end end procedure TTagEditor.KeyPress var Key Char begin.. begin Perform WM_CUT 0 0 Key #0 Exit end ^V begin Perform WM_PASTE 0 0 Key #0 Exit end end ShowEditor FEdit.Perform WM_CHAR ord..
How does a CRichEditCtrl know a paste operation has been performed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2250759/how-does-a-cricheditctrl-know-a-paste-operation-has-been-performed text. What I tried so far Checking the message for WM_PASTE in CMyRichEditCtrl PreTranslateMessage Creating a method virtual.. through CMyRichEditCtrl PreTranslateMessage Results 1 No WM_PASTE message seen 2 It's never called 3 It's never hit... how 4 The.. hit... how 4 The control never receives any WM_COMMAND WM_PASTE or focus related messages. Basically only mouse move and key..