c++ Programming Glossary: wm_keydown
How can I disable specific Windows hotkeys from inside a software using C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11352343/how-can-i-disable-specific-windows-hotkeys-from-inside-a-software-using-c LLKHF_ALTDOWN qDebug ALT delete str return 1 if wParam WM_KEYDOWN switch str vkCode case VK_RWIN case VK_LWIN case VK_LCONTROL..
WM_KEYDOWN : how to use it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1169732/wm-keydown-how-to-use-it how to use it I'm trying to send a key stroke to one application.. following code WinApi.PostMessage InsideLobbyHandle WinApi.WM_KEYDOWN int WinApi.VK_UP 1 I guess it must have something to do with.. function and correct as necessary. The lParam for the WM_KEYDOWN Notification is specified in terms of the bits of the field..
C++ Win32 keyboard events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1437158/c-win32-keyboard-events WH_KEYBOARD_LL hook_proc hwnd 0 ... wParam one of the WM_KEYDOWN WM_KEYUP WM_SYSKEYDOWN or WM_SYSKEYUP lParam pointer to a KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT.. by default I swallow the keys if mmode macro mode is ON if WM_KEYDOWN wParam PostMessage mainwnd WM_MCR_ACCUM kbd vkCode 0 if WM_KEYUP.. macro mode is OFF Ctrl pressed if kbd vkCode VK_LCONTROL WM_KEYDOWN wParam ctrl_cnt 1 time kbd time Prevent ctrl combinations to..
How to send keystrokes to a window? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2113950/how-to-send-keystrokes-to-a-window forum showthread.php t 377393 there's also WM_SYSCOMMAND WM_KEYDOWN WM_KEYUP WM_CHAR events for SendMessage which you might be interested..
Should I use DirectInput or Windows message loop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2165230/should-i-use-directinput-or-windows-message-loop TranslateMessage msg post a WM_CHAR message if this is a WM_KEYDOWN DispatchMessage msg this sends messages to the msg.hwnd For..
Keyboard Input & the Win32 message loop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2441457/keyboard-input-the-win32-message-loop has lead me to confusion over WM_CHAR or WM_KEYUP and WM_KEYDOWN and is normally targeted at PDA or Managed code whereas I'm.. of TranslateMessage is to generate WM_CHAR messages from WM_KEYDOWN messages so if you want to see WM_CHAR messages you need to.. want to see WM_CHAR messages you need to be sure to pass WM_KEYDOWN messages to it. If you don't care about WM_CHAR messages you..
Disable CONTROL + ALT + DELETE and Windows(win) Key in Windows 7 using Win32 application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4529577/disable-control-alt-delete-and-windowswin-key-in-windows-7-using-win32-app vkCode VK_RWIN Start Menu if g_bBeep wp WM_SYSKEYDOWN wp WM_KEYDOWN MessageBeep 0 only beep on downstroke if requested return 1..
Create an On-screen Keyboard http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4944621/create-an-on-screen-keyboard _attachedProcessId true PostMessage _window WM_KEYDOWN vk.key 0x1 PostMessage _window WM_KEYUP vk.key 0xC0010001 AttachThreadInput.. behavior Applications handle input differently. And simple WM_KEYDOWN WM_KEYUP messages are not the only way to detect keyboard input...
Using SendMessage to enter text into an edit control belonging to another process http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9984770/using-sendmessage-to-enter-text-into-an-edit-control-belonging-to-another-proces you need to find out the other parameters PostMessage edit WM_KEYDOWN ... PostMessage edit WM_CHAR ... PostMessage edit WM_KEYUP .....