c++ Programming Glossary: verified
Why doesn't a derived template class have access to a base template class' identifiers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1239908/why-doesnt-a-derived-template-class-have-access-to-a-base-template-class-ident without trying to verify the code. That code can only be verified later when the template is instantiated by supplying an actual..
Unable to catch c++ exception using catch (…) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1373686/unable-to-catch-c-exception-using-catch and the code to log the exception DOES execute. I verified this within VS watching the same conditions occur. Here's the..
What's the low-level difference between a pointer an a reference? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1640355/whats-the-low-level-difference-between-a-pointer-an-a-reference you shouldn't depend on that generalization until you've verified it's true for your compiler and platform. share improve this..
file scope and static floats http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1706675/file-scope-and-static-floats modified based off of user input in another class I have verified that the value is changed while still debugging within the scope..
Add support to print & preview HTML in a dialog-based MFC app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18926793/add-support-to-print-preview-html-in-a-dialog-based-mfc-app for IDM_PRINTPREVIEW OLECMDID_PRINTPREVIEW2 but I haven't verified that yet. I'll play with this a bit more as time allows. Meanwhile..
Why first element is destroyed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19747981/why-first-element-is-destroyed i.e. delete . I've seen this on another post and verified the behavior using a debugger. See here For VS2013 initializer_list..
PInvokeStackImbalance C# call to unmanaged C++ function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2390407/pinvokestackimbalance-c-sharp-call-to-unmanaged-c-function is correct. The entry point name is correct and has been verified with depends.exe the code has to use the mangled name and it..
Why am I getting an error converting a ?˜float**??to ?˜const float**?? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2463473/why-am-i-getting-an-error-converting-a-float-to-const-float to ˜const float code this makes no sense to me I know and verified that I can pass char to a function that takes const char so..
Output unicode strings in Windows console app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2492077/output-unicode-strings-in-windows-console-app windows console share improve this question I have verified a solution here using Visual Studio 2010. Via this MSDN article..
Segfaults in malloc() and malloc_consolidate() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3100193/segfaults-in-malloc-and-malloc-consolidate malloc_consolidate when I look at the backtrace in gdb. I verified that the machine has enough memory available it didn't even..
Question on multiple inheritance, virtual base classes, and object size in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/396327/question-on-multiple-inheritance-virtual-base-classes-and-object-size-in-c The memory layout might look something like this I haven't verified it... the ARM has an example where the ordering is X Y Z then..
Is it possible to exit a for before time in C++, if an ending condition is reached? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/416464/is-it-possible-to-exit-a-for-before-time-in-c-if-an-ending-condition-is-reach different from the reacheing right number of iterations is verified. For instance for int i 0 i maxi i for int j 0 j maxj j But..
Avoiding Circular Dependencies of header files [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4816698/avoiding-circular-dependencies-of-header-files dependencies start happening. Are there any general verified and working rules Thanks. c software design architecture ..
Loading DLL not initializing static C++ classes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5114683/loading-dll-not-initializing-static-c-classes dll ChangeReliability ChangeReliability 100 I have verified that the dll version is the correct one rebuilt the entire project..
How to see if a subfile of a directory has changed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/56682/how-to-see-if-a-subfile-of-a-directory-has-changed way to tell if a folder has a subfile that has changed I verified and the last modified date on the folder does not get updated..
Why is failbit when eof on read? Is there a way out? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6781545/why-is-failbit-when-eof-on-read-is-there-a-way-out were enabled. Why What's the point of this I could have verified that just testing eof after the read char buffer 10 stream.read..
Why does integer overflow on x86 with GCC cause an infinite loop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7682477/why-does-integer-overflow-on-x86-with-gcc-cause-an-infinite-loop because I assume this bug will reproduce in C. I haven't verified it yet. EDIT Here's the assembly of the loop if I recognized..
std::lower_bound slower for std::vector than std::map::find http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8784732/stdlower-bound-slower-for-stdvector-than-stdmapfind we are more likely to compare apples to apples I haven't verified if the logic is really correct now let's go on to investigate..
Understanding eliding rules with regard to c++11 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9267687/understanding-eliding-rules-with-regard-to-c11 classes because RVO isn't guaranteed. Personally I just verified that my compilers were good about it and went ahead with it...