c++ Programming Glossary: vendor
Which iomanip manipulators are 'sticky'? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1532640/which-iomanip-manipulators-are-sticky online reference that clearly documents this behavior My vendor documentation MS Visual Studio 2005 doesn't seem to clearly..
C++: std::string in a multi-threaded program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1661154/c-stdstring-in-a-multi-threaded-program editing the reference counting semantics deep within the vendor implementation. Real world example In my company we have a multi..
Any good C/C++ DSP library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1761212/any-good-c-c-dsp-library I suggest that you choose your platform first and use the vendor's library since that will be optimised for the platform. If.. since that will be optimised for the platform. If the vendor does not have a DSP library then the part may not be a good.. some parts do have DSP extensions in any case. Again the vendor provides an optimised DSP library. Other than these 'general..
Programatically detect number of physical processors/cores or if hyper-threading is active on Windows, Mac and Linux http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2901694/programatically-detect-number-of-physical-processors-cores-or-if-hyper-threading here are the steps using the CPUID instruction Detect CPU vendor using CPUID function 0 Check for HTT bit 28 in CPU features.. CPUID function 1 Get actual non threaded CPU core count If vendor 'GenuineIntel' this is 1 plus EAX 31 26 from CPUID function.. this is 1 plus EAX 31 26 from CPUID function 4 If vendor 'AuthenticAMD' this is 1 plus ECX 7 0 from CPUID function 0x80000008..
how to get vendor id and product id of a plugged usb device on windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2935184/how-to-get-vendor-id-and-product-id-of-a-plugged-usb-device-on-windows to get vendor id and product id of a plugged usb device on windows I am using.. am using Qt on windows platform. i want to get and display vendor id and product id of a plugged usb device from my local system... my local system. Below is my full source code to get the vendor id and product id from the usb device. when i run the my qt..
Is cout synchronized/thread-safe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6374264/is-cout-synchronized-thread-safe is is it safe to use cout from multiple threads Is this vendor dependent What does gcc do Important Please provide some kind..
Accessing class members on a NULL pointer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/669742/accessing-class-members-on-a-null-pointer you will sometimes find libraries from your compiler vendor that do rely on that. But the compiler vendor has the advantage.. compiler vendor that do rely on that. But the compiler vendor has the advantage of being able to add further definition to..
What can cause D3D11CreateDevice() to fail with E_FAIL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10586956/what-can-cause-d3d11createdevice-to-fail-with-e-fail Device Identifier D7B71EE2 2B98 11CF AA72 7A76BEC2C535 Vendor ID 0x1002 Device ID 0x68D8 SubSys ID 0x56701545 Revision ID.. Device Identifier D7B71EE2 2B98 11CF AA72 7A76BEC2C535 Vendor ID 0x1002 Device ID 0x68D8 SubSys ID 0x56701545 Revision ID..
OpenGL Shader Version Compile Error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12631437/opengl-shader-version-compile-error 0 in vec3 Position void main gl_Position.xyz Position Vendor ATI Technologies Inc. Renderer ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series Version..
Where to put common writable application files? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/147016/where-to-put-common-writable-application-files
Unable to send SMS using AT Commands http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16402403/unable-to-send-sms-using-at-commands physicalName.toLocal8Bit .constData string convertedVendorId vendorId.toLocal8Bit .constData string convertedFriendName.. endl cout Physical Name convertedPhysicalName endl cout Vendor Id convertedVendorId endl cout Friend Name convertedFriendName.. Name convertedPhysicalName endl cout Vendor Id convertedVendorId endl cout Friend Name convertedFriendName endl cout endl counter..
Help with understanding why UAC dialog pops up on Win7 for our application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2192798/help-with-understanding-why-uac-dialog-pops-up-on-win7-for-our-application etc. Keywords in the following Versioning Resource fields Vendor Company Name Product Name File Description Original Filename..
USB-drive serial number under linux C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2432759/usb-drive-serial-number-under-linux-c a string from the Device Descriptor USB specification like VendorId ProductId HardwareRevision SerialNumber In the following I.. by mixing different strings from VPD like Product ID Vendor ID and Serial Number. Code in c #include stdlib.h #include stdio.h..
Find and eject a USB device based on its VID/PID http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4065473/find-and-eject-a-usb-device-based-on-its-vid-pid 0 0 0 0 dwRet 0 CloseHandle hVol Find a USB device by it's Vendor and Product IDs. When found eject it. void usbEjectDevice unsigned..