c++ Programming Glossary: vectorxf
How to find the kth largest element in the union of two sorted arrays? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11679364/how-to-find-the-kth-largest-element-in-the-union-of-two-sorted-arrays #include Eigen Dense using namespace Eigen using Eigen VectorXf using Eigen VectorXi float getNth VectorXf v1 VectorXf v2 int.. using Eigen VectorXf using Eigen VectorXi float getNth VectorXf v1 VectorXf v2 int n int step n 4 i1 n 2 i2 n i1 while v2 i2.. VectorXf using Eigen VectorXi float getNth VectorXf v1 VectorXf v2 int n int step n 4 i1 n 2 i2 n i1 while v2 i2 v1 i1 1 v1..