

c++ Programming Glossary: titled

Class design vs. IDE: Are nonmember nonfriend functions really worth it?


In the otherwise excellent book C Coding Standards Item 44 titled Prefer writing nonmember nonfriend functions Sutter and Alexandrescu..

Starting Graphics & Games Programming (Java and maybe C++)


appreciated. EDIT I've already checked out the question titled game programming but have found it to not really cater for my..

What language do they build other languages with?


concept is the same. There is also an excellent article titled Reflections on Trusting Trust by Ken Thompson about the risks..

Why aren't there compiler-generated swap() methods in C++0x?


well it was moved back. It is listed under the section titled Not ready for C 0x but open to resubmit in future . So looks..

Interpretation of int (*a)[3]


to a pointer and when it does not My answer to a question titled type of an array Another answer with examples of instances when..

Confused about C++'s std::wstring, UTF-16, UTF-8 and displaying strings in a windows GUI


an understanding beyond that. I already read the question titled std wstring VS std string . It was very helpful but I still..

Is rebasing DLLs (or providing an appropriate default load address) worth the trouble?


pro cons of this a In my WvC 5th ed it is in the sections titled Rebasing Modules and Binding Modules on pages 568ff. in Chapter..

The effect of `basic_streambuf::setbuf`


I have to admit has to say on the subject in a section titled The almost semantic free function setbuf The virtual member..

Distinguish between single and double click events in Qt


improve this question You can find answer in the thread titled Double Click Capturing on QtCentre forum You could have a timer...

C++ volatile required when spinning on boost::shared_ptr operator bool()? [duplicate]


allows some of these behaviors in a section probably titled Thread Safety. If it does allow them take a second look at whether..

C/C++: How to do AES decryption using OpenSSL


Don't let the silly title fool you it should have been titled just OpenSSL . Oh well. Edit I forgot to mention the initialization..

Building boost::options from a string/boost::any map


library being discussed right now on the mailing list titled boost RFC type erasure that is essentially a generalized type..

What makes this header file slow VS2005 to a crawl? (IntelliSense exonerated?)


for a specific header file I've found this article titled Controlling IntelliSense Through Macros but the solution there..

DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH failing to execute on Windows 7 C++


Chen has something to say about this in his blog entry titled Some reasons not to do anything scary in your DllMain And absolutely..

C++ implicit conversions


is precise. The C Standard SC22 N 4411.pdf section 12.3.4 titled 'Conversions' makes it clear that only one implicit user defined..

Does there exist a “wiki” for editing doxygen comments?


website. EDIT You may also want to check out this article titled Documentation Git and MediaWiki . share improve this answer..