c++ Programming Glossary: tnode
c++ template typename iterator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11275444/c-template-typename-iterator the following header file template typename T struct tNode T Data the data contained within this node list tNode T SubNodes.. tNode T Data the data contained within this node list tNode T SubNodes a list of tNodes pointers under this tNode tNode.. contained within this node list tNode T SubNodes a list of tNodes pointers under this tNode tNode const T theData PRE theData..
Explain Morris inorder tree traversal without using stacks or recursion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5502916/explain-morris-inorder-tree-traversal-without-using-stacks-or-recursion recursion and without stack void MorrisTraversal struct tNode root struct tNode current pre if root NULL return current root.. stack void MorrisTraversal struct tNode root struct tNode current pre if root NULL return current root while current NULL..