c++ Programming Glossary: td
C++ timing, milliseconds since last whole second http://stackoverflow.com/questions/117346/c-timing-milliseconds-since-last-whole-second time_duration ticks_per_second 10 time_duration td 1 2 3 count 01 02 03.5 no matter the resolution settings share..
Extend the life of threads with synchronization (C++11) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15252292/extend-the-life-of-threads-with-synchronization-c11 main void myp n_threads a_location another_location ... std thread mythread n_threads for unsigned long int j 0 j ULONG_MAX.. ULONG_MAX j for unsigned int i 0 i n_threads i mythread i std thread myfunc myp i for unsigned int i 0 i n_threads i mythread.. create has an associated command queue encapsulated in std packaged_task objects which it continuously check. If the queue..
QTableView printing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3147030/qtableview-printing model index row column .toString .simplified out QString td bkcolor 0 1 td .arg data.isEmpty data QString nbsp out tr.. column .toString .simplified out QString td bkcolor 0 1 td .arg data.isEmpty data QString nbsp out tr n out table n..
Multithreading in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4768294/multithreading-in-c id DWORD WINAPI thread_func LPVOID lpParameter thread_data td thread_data lpParameter cout thread with id td m_id endl return.. thread_data td thread_data lpParameter cout thread with id td m_id endl return 0 int main for int i 0 i 10 i CreateThread..
What's the best tool to graphically display memory layout from a .map file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/48426/whats-the-best-tool-to-graphically-display-memory-layout-from-a-map-file color # s height gem line height gem font size gem' td style 'overflow hidden' segment_colors section.segment height.. font_size print a href '# s' s a sym.name sym.name print td tr print table print body html And here's a bad rendering of..