c++ Programming Glossary: tcp_connection
boost::asio async_read guarantee all bytes are read http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4933610/boostasio-async-read-guarantee-all-bytes-are-read know the number of bytes to be received in advance void tcp_connection start boost shared_ptr ResolverQueueHandler queue_handler if.. 0 socket_.async_receive boost asio buffer buff boost bind tcp_connection handle_read shared_from_this boost asio placeholders error boost.. asio async_read socket_ boost asio buffer buff boost bind tcp_connection handle_read shared_from_this boost asio placeholders error buff..
Should std::bind be compatible with boost::asio? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8924149/should-stdbind-be-compatible-with-boostasio The original code looks like this void start_accept tcp_connection pointer new_connection tcp_connection create acceptor_.get_io_service.. void start_accept tcp_connection pointer new_connection tcp_connection create acceptor_.get_io_service acceptor_.async_accept new_connection.. boost bind with std bind as follows void start_accept tcp_connection pointer new_connection tcp_connection create acceptor_.get_io_service..