c++ Programming Glossary: tc
Fast n choose k mod p for large n? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10118137/fast-n-choose-k-mod-p-for-large-n p is prime. I've tried http apps.topcoder.com wiki display tc SRM 467 But the function seems to be incorrect I tested it with..
Body has already been defined for function main() [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12376339/body-has-already-been-defined-for-function-main FILL scanf d d x y int gd DETECT gm initgraph gd gm c tc bgi drawpolygon n arr RED getch boundfill4 x y BLUE RED getch.. DETECT gm initgraph gd gm c tc bgi drawpolygon n arr RED getch boundfill4 x y BLUE RED getch closegraph restorecrtmode void.. bgi drawpolygon n arr RED getch boundfill4 x y BLUE RED getch closegraph restorecrtmode void drawpolygon int n int arr 2..
why is microsecond timestamp is repetetive using (a private) gettimeoftheday() i.e. epoch http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13175573/why-is-microsecond-timestamp-is-repetetive-using-a-private-gettimeoftheday-i 1 1 millisecond target interrupt period TIMECAPS tc UINT wTimerRes if timeGetDevCaps tc sizeof TIMECAPS TIMERR_NOERROR.. period TIMECAPS tc UINT wTimerRes if timeGetDevCaps tc sizeof TIMECAPS TIMERR_NOERROR this call queries the systems.. the minimum possible interrupt period wTimerRes min max tc.wPeriodMin TARGET_PERIOD tc.wPeriodMax and setting the minimum..
convert std::bind to function pointer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13238050/convert-stdbind-to-function-pointer void I tried to pass this function as follows TestClass tc new TestClass using namespace std placeholders third_party_method.. third_party_method std bind TestClass myFunction tc _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 ... However this does not compile Conversion..
How can we compute N choose K modulus a prime number without overflow? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4638988/how-can-we-compute-n-choose-k-modulus-a-prime-number-without-overflow
Why is a POD in a struct zero-initialized by an implicit constructor when creating an object in the heap or a temporary object in the stack? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4932781/why-is-a-pod-in-a-struct-zero-initialized-by-an-implicit-constructor-when-creati std cout HEAP Num pc n std endl delete pc Container tc Container std cout TEMP Num tc.n std endl I get this output.. endl delete pc Container tc Container std cout TEMP Num tc.n std endl I get this output STACK Num 1079504552 HEAP Num 0..
Quick and dirty way to profile your code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/61278/quick-and-dirty-way-to-profile-your-code times millions it will have a measurable effect on the outcome so that scopes you measure will take longer than those you.. the average time spent of course . #pragma once #include tchar.h #include windows.h #include sstream #include boost noncopyable.hpp.. time_collector collector public one_time time_collector tc if tc.aquire collector tc QueryPerformanceCounter start ..
gSOAP Multithreading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8150380/gsoap-multithreading soap_valid_socket c.bind NULL port 100 CalculatorService tc pthread_t tid for if soap_valid_socket c.accept return c.error.. tid for if soap_valid_socket c.accept return c.error tc c.copy make a safe copy if tc NULL break pthread_create tid.. c.accept return c.error tc c.copy make a safe copy if tc NULL break pthread_create tid NULL void void process_request..
How to show Windows Explorer context (right click) menu? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10668456/how-to-show-windows-explorer-context-right-click-menu Total Commander. If you press and hold right mouse button TC will show the context menu which is exactly the same as in Windows..
Purpose of Unions in C and C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2310483/purpose-of-unions-in-c-and-c a sequence of one or more initial members. While in C C99 TC3 DR 283 onwards it's legal to do so thanks to Pascal Cuoq for.. type and extracted as another. Extract from Stroustrup's TC PL emphasis mine Use of unions can be essential for compatness..
What belongs in an educational tool to demonstrate the unwarranted assumptions people make in C/C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3457967/what-belongs-in-an-educational-tool-to-demonstrate-the-unwarranted-assumptions-p sizeof size_t #if 0 suggested by R. this crashed on TC 3.0 compact. char buf 10 EXPECT 21 You can use snprintf to append..
C++ multicharacter literal http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3960954/c-multicharacter-literal defined behavior whenever possible. See also undefined. TC PL C.2. also... undefined an aspect of C 's semantics for which.. Avoid undefined behavior. See also implementation defined. TC PL C.2. I believe this means the comment is correct it should..
Compiling a SWIG Python wrapper for a static library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4608780/compiling-a-swig-python-wrapper-for-a-static-library same pathology. Same error messages anyways. foo.hpp class TC public TC int i private For reference here's foo.c. I only have.. Same error messages anyways. foo.hpp class TC public TC int i private For reference here's foo.c. I only have the header.. for the real 3rd party library. foo.cxx #include foo.hpp TC TC i 0 I made this library by typing g c foo.cxx ar rcs libfoo.a..
Do built-in types have default constructors? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5113365/do-built-in-types-have-default-constructors The original author asked me to check Section 10.4.2 TC PL which says Built in types also have default constructors.. constructors. is flawed as per C 03 . I think Bjarne in TC PL has mixed up constructor like notation i.e with actual constructor.. when Bjarne was writing the book right So is the text in TC PL incorrect as per C 98 and C 03 What do you guys think EDIT..
Free C/C++ IDE for Windows 7 that works with GCC [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5429381/free-c-c-ide-for-windows-7-that-works-with-gcc of that serious BCB 5.0 was quite different to the old DOS TC environments and even that got abandoned later in favor of the..
Polymorphism in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5854581/polymorphism-in-c and templates provide static compile time polymorphism. TC PL 12.2.6 13.6.1 D E 2.9. This answer like the question relates..
trap representation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6725809/trap-representation