c++ Programming Glossary: targeted
Objective-C - Disadvantages to Bridging With C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10014684/objective-c-disadvantages-to-bridging-with-c APIs that can then be integrated with and consumed by the targeted system's Objective C frameworks. share improve this answer..
boost::spirit::qi Expectation Parser and parser grouping unexpected behaviour http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10378970/boostspiritqi-expectation-parser-and-parser-grouping-unexpected-behaviour backtracking it will just disallow it . This will enable targeted error messages prevent useless 'parsing into the unknown'. Why..
Is there a preprocessor directive for detecting C++11x support? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10717502/is-there-a-preprocessor-directive-for-detecting-c11x-support that its support is bug free. Just create a directory per targeted compiler put this file there and specify the appropriate I or..
How to call a C# library from C++ using C++\CLI and IJW http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13293888/how-to-call-a-c-sharp-library-from-c-using-c-cli-and-ijw show how to do it using com objects. Not many results were targeted at VS 2010. References I have read over and over many posts...
Project organization with Cython and C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16792792/project-organization-with-cython-and-c requirements such as storing the PyObject C version of a targeted Python version inherited from object of a given class and the..
Compilable C++ code to implement a secure SLL/TLS client using MS SSPI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2032056/compilable-c-code-to-implement-a-secure-sll-tls-client-using-ms-sspi is undoubtedly the best choice. The package originally targeted the UNIX community and to compile it relies on the Perl runtime..
C++ application - should I use static or dynamic linking for the libraries? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2095363/c-application-should-i-use-static-or-dynamic-linking-for-the-libraries see condition above of not having su rights on the targeted machines nor these libraries available . 3 I've read the related..
Keyboard Input & the Win32 message loop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2441457/keyboard-input-the-win32-message-loop over WM_CHAR or WM_KEYUP and WM_KEYDOWN and is normally targeted at PDA or Managed code whereas I'm using C . c winapi share..
Sub-millisecond precision timing in C or C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2904887/sub-millisecond-precision-timing-in-c-or-c mask for all other processes on the machine to ignore your targeted CPU. On your app set the CPU affinity to run only on your shielded..
C# in comparison to C++: what is your strongest pain? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/370141/c-sharp-in-comparison-to-c-what-is-your-strongest-pain the choice of the keyword is unfortunate. In general C# is targeted to in house business programming and it is probably good for..
int to hex string in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5100718/int-to-hex-string-in-c in c I can find some ways to do it but they mostly seem targeted towards c. Doesn't seem there's a native way to do it in c ...
Unable to run an application compiled on OS-X Snow Leopard (10.6.7) on another Mac using OS-X Leopard (10.5.8). libstdc++.6.dylib error returned http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6365772/unable-to-run-an-application-compiled-on-os-x-snow-leopard-10-6-7-on-another-m basic don't fear to be crude ^^ . How do I specify the targeted SDK in Cmake Are the used Cmake commands not sufficient I use..
How do you introduce unit testing into a large, legacy (C/C++) codebase? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/748503/how-do-you-introduce-unit-testing-into-a-large-legacy-c-c-codebase are too complex to be easily testable Since this code is targeted for embedded devices it's a lot of overhead to run it on the..
Finding compiler vendor / version using qmake http://stackoverflow.com/questions/801279/finding-compiler-vendor-version-using-qmake and enable them when g 4.x is used. Update Most answers targeted the preprocessor. This is something that I want to avoid. I..
Good portable SIMD library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/981787/good-portable-simd-library