c++ Programming Glossary: tedious
Questions about Hinnant's stack allocator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11648202/questions-about-hinnants-stack-allocator typedefs the construct member the destroy member etc. . A tedious but straightforward task. The answers to this question for the..
Enumerate over an enum in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1390703/enumerate-over-an-enum-in-c enums so repeating the same code all over again is quite tedious Code for testing enum_iterator namespace color_test enum Color..
C++ STL set update is tedious: I can't change an element in place http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2217878/c-stl-set-update-is-tedious-i-cant-change-an-element-in-place STL set update is tedious I can't change an element in place I find the update operation.. an element in place I find the update operation on set tedious since there's no such an API on cppreference . So what I currently..
How to handle 'this' pointer in constructor? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2510521/how-to-handle-this-pointer-in-constructor called at the top of every member function but this is tedious to write and cumbersome to execute. Are there any idioms out..
At what point is it worth using a database? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2648802/at-what-point-is-it-worth-using-a-database with files generated from excel and parsed in but it gets tedious and hard to track even with VBA scripts. I have been playing..
avoiding the tedium of optional parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2700940/avoiding-the-tedium-of-optional-parameters or methods using templates I can use to make it less tedious And easier to maintain c constructor idioms optional parameters..
boost spirit semantic action parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3066701/boost-spirit-semantic-action-parameters IMHO writing a function for each action would be rather tedious compared to the brief and readable phoenix expression equivalents...
OneOfAType container — storing one each of a given type in a container — am I off base here? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3221501/oneofatype-container-storing-one-each-of-a-given-type-in-a-container-am-i tailor it to the features you actually need which is quite tedious with boost any. For example there are few requirements on the..
Experience using Boost.Log logging library? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3510473/experience-using-boost-log-logging-library libraries I am considering are Apache log4cxx it seems tedious to install but my team mates want something simple to get started..
Thou shalt not inherit from std::vector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4353203/thou-shalt-not-inherit-from-stdvector using std vector member 's in the public section. This is tedious too actually. And here I am I really do think that I can simply..
C++ - Forward declaration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4757565/c-forward-declaration you want to use that lives in another files can get tedious quickly. Can you explain forward declaration more further What..
undefined reference to `WinMain@16' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5259714/undefined-reference-to-winmain16 2 subsystem Windows GUI C test _ No problem but very tedious. And so arcane and hidden that most Windows programmers who..
Is it possible to emulate template<auto X>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5628121/is-it-possible-to-emulate-templateauto-x some types i.e. pointer to member functions it's pretty tedious even with decltype as a shortcut. Consider the following code..
Isn't the template argument (the signature) of std::function part of its type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5931214/isnt-the-template-argument-the-signature-of-stdfunction-part-of-its-type function int fx x function int int fy y a fx a fy Hide the tedious casting in a function and use TMP to get the right signature..
C/C++: Detecting superfluous #includes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/614794/c-c-detecting-superfluous-includes Trying to figure out which are still needed can be quite tedious. Is there some kind of tool that can detect superfluous #include..
Adding static libcurl to Code::Blocks IDE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6243638/adding-static-libcurl-to-codeblocks-ide since libcurl.dll already covers them. You can avoid the tedious error prone setup of a new libcurl program by employing codeblocks'..
Boolean expression (grammar) parser in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8706356/boolean-expression-grammar-parser-in-c sic precedence rules as mentioned by others is quite tedious. Therefore the grammar lacks a certain elegance. Abstract Data.. source below Grammar Rules The following is the slightly tedious grammar definition as mentioned. Although I don't consider this..
Is there a decent wait function in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/902261/is-there-a-decent-wait-function-in-c and save helloworld.exe pause ase helloworld.bat This go tedious when I needed to create a bunch of small test programs and eventually..