c++ Programming Glossary: szfilename
Win32 PlaySound: How to control the volume? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2302841/win32-playsound-how-to-control-the-volume DWORD dwFileSize BYTE pFileBytes ReadWavFileIntoMemory szFilename pFileBytes dwFileSize At this point an inspection of pFileBytes..
How do I read from a version resource in Visual C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/316626/how-do-i-read-from-a-version-resource-in-visual-c of the executable containing the version resource TCHAR szFilename MAX_PATH 1 0 if GetModuleFileName NULL szFilename MAX_PATH 0.. TCHAR szFilename MAX_PATH 1 0 if GetModuleFileName NULL szFilename MAX_PATH 0 TRACE GetModuleFileName failed with error d n GetLastError.. info DWORD dummy DWORD dwSize GetFileVersionInfoSize szFilename dummy if dwSize 0 TRACE GetFileVersionInfoSize failed with..
Linker error using extern “C” in Objective-C code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7376003/linker-error-using-extern-c-in-objective-c-code extern C #endif void loadDataFromFile const char szFilename bool bDocument void loadImageFromFile const char szFilename.. bool bDocument void loadImageFromFile const char szFilename bool bDocument void loadMeshFromFile const char szFilename void.. szFilename bool bDocument void loadMeshFromFile const char szFilename void pMesh #if __cplusplus Extern C #endif #endif And here is..
embed DLL in MFC C++ EXE? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9808467/embed-dll-in-mfc-c-exe const HINSTANCE hInstance WORD resourceID LPCTSTR szFilename bool bSuccess false try Find and load the resource HRSRC hResource.. Open the file and filemap HANDLE hFile CreateFile szFilename GENERIC_READ GENERIC_WRITE 0 NULL CREATE_ALWAYS FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL..