c++ Programming Glossary: s_ok
How to programatically disable the auto-focus of a webcam? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1717780/how-to-programatically-disable-the-auto-focus-of-a-webcam IID_IAMCameraControl void pCameraControl if hr S_OK long defaultFocusValue hr pCameraControl GetRange CameraControl_Focus..
Why exactly do I need an explicit upcast when implementing QueryInterface() in an object with multiple interfaces() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1742848/why-exactly-do-i-need-an-explicit-upcast-when-implementing-queryinterface-in-a ppv static_cast IInterface1 this call Addref return S_OK The question is why can't I just copy this if iid __uuidof IUnknown.. this if iid __uuidof IUnknown ppv this call Addref return S_OK The documents usually say that if I do the latter I will violate..
CoCreateInstance returning E_NOINTERFACE even though interface is found http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1781906/cocreateinstance-returning-e-nointerface-even-though-interface-is-found correct GUIDs. CMyCOMServer QueryInterface will return S_OK and cast itself to the right type if IUnknown or IMyInterface.. IMyInterface is requested. I verify QueryInterface returns S_OK and sets IMyInterface this as the interface pointer as expected..
Add support to print & preview HTML in a dialog-based MFC app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18926793/add-support-to-print-preview-html-in-a-dialog-based-mfc-app it should be possible to alter any of the them and return S_OK from IOleCommandTarget Exec and expect the browser control to..
How can I make the preprocessor insert linebreaks into the macro expansion result? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2116126/how-can-i-make-the-preprocessor-insert-linebreaks-into-the-macro-expansion-resul #define BEGIN_COM_METHOD try #define END_COM_METHOD return S_OK catch exception set IErrorInfo here return E_FAIL to make such..
API Hook on a COM object function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3692836/api-hook-on-a-com-object-function VT_I4 IDispatch pdisp for V_I4 v 0 fFound psw Item v pdisp S_OK V_I4 v IWebBrowserApp pwba if SUCCEEDED pdisp QueryInterface..
Calling C++ function from JavaScript script running in a web browser control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3747414/calling-c-function-from-javascript-script-running-in-a-web-browser-control ppv static_cast IDispatch this if ppv NULL AddRef return S_OK return E_NOINTERFACE and HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE JSObject.. rgszNames UINT cNames LCID lcid DISPID rgDispId HRESULT hr S_OK for UINT i 0 i cNames i std map std wstring DISPID iterator.. rgszNames UINT cNames LCID lcid DISPID rgDispId HR hr S_OK for UINT i 0 i cNames i if validName rgszNames rgDispId i dispIdForName..
How to get a list of video capture devices (web cameras) on windows? (C++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4286223/how-to-get-a-list-of-video-capture-devices-web-cameras-on-windows-c OnInitDialog HWND hwnd ChooseDeviceParam pParam HRESULT hr S_OK HWND hList GetDlgItem hwnd IDC_DEVICE_LIST Display a list of.. IMoniker pMoniker NULL while pEnum Next 1 pMoniker NULL S_OK IPropertyBag pPropBag HRESULT hr pMoniker BindToStorage 0 0..
Windows CD Burning API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/82993/windows-cd-burning-api pICDBurn BOOL flag if pICDBurn HasRecordableDrive flag S_OK if SHGetSpecialFolderPath 0 path CSIDL_CDBURN_AREA 0 strcat.. WCHAR drive 5 if pICDBurn GetRecorderDriveLetter drive 4 S_OK sprintf path S drive else ret 1 pICDBurn Release else ret.. IID_ICDBurn LPVOID pICDBurn if pICDBurn Burn NULL S_OK ret 1 pICDBurn Release else ret 2 return ret bool GetCDRecordableInfo..
Shell Icon Overlay (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/843506/shell-icon-overlay-c to the other handlers. The first handler that returns S_OK determines whether the icon is shown or not. share improve..
Compiler Error: Function call with parameters that may be unsafe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/903064/compiler-error-function-call-with-parameters-that-may-be-unsafe pv n prepend prepend.substr n if pcbRead pcbRead n return S_OK int rc Read char pv cb if pcbRead pcbRead rc return S_OK and.. S_OK int rc Read char pv cb if pcbRead pcbRead rc return S_OK and the warning refers to the prepend.copy line. I have tried..