c++ Programming Glossary: szbuffer
How to read a value from the Windows registry http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34065/how-to-read-a-value-from-the-windows-registry std wstring strDefaultValue strValue strDefaultValue WCHAR szBuffer 512 DWORD dwBufferSize sizeof szBuffer ULONG nError nError RegQueryValueExW.. WCHAR szBuffer 512 DWORD dwBufferSize sizeof szBuffer ULONG nError nError RegQueryValueExW hKey strValueName.c_str.. RegQueryValueExW hKey strValueName.c_str 0 NULL LPBYTE szBuffer dwBufferSize if ERROR_SUCCESS nError strValue szBuffer return..
SetupDiGetDeviceProperty http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3438366/setupdigetdeviceproperty TCHAR szDesc 1024 szHardwareIDs 4096 WCHAR szBuffer 4096 LPTSTR pszToken pszNextToken TCHAR szVid MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN.. ulPropertyType BYTE szBuffer sizeof szBuffer dwSize 0 if fn_SetupDiGetDevicePropertyW hDevInfo.. ulPropertyType BYTE szBuffer sizeof szBuffer dwSize 0 if fn_SetupDiGetDevicePropertyW hDevInfo DeviceInfoData..