c++ Programming Glossary: system.loadlibrary
Can i use the native libraries (installed in android stack) in my NDK application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10169336/can-i-use-the-native-libraries-installed-in-android-stack-in-my-ndk-applicatio file i can load that library with following code static System.loadLibrary ndk_demo Question1 so now is there possible that instead of..
How to pass array(array of long in java) from Java to C++ using Swig http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10947560/how-to-pass-arrayarray-of-long-in-java-from-java-to-c-using-swig with public class run public static void main String argv System.loadLibrary mylib long arr 100 99 1 0 Terminate with 0 new Test .SelectValues..
Pass an array to a wrapped function as pointer+size or range http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11584599/pass-an-array-to-a-wrapped-function-as-pointersize-or-range test #include test.hh pragma java jniclasscode static try System.loadLibrary test catch UnsatisfiedLinkError e System.err.println Native.. sz include test.hh pragma java jniclasscode static try System.loadLibrary test catch UnsatisfiedLinkError e System.err.println Native..
How to compile dynamic library for a JNI application on linux? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3950635/how-to-compile-dynamic-library-for-a-jni-application-on-linux Hello.java class Hello public native void sayHello static System.loadLibrary hellolib public static void main String args Hello h new Hello.. Runtime.java 823 at java.lang.System.loadLibrary System.java 1028 at Hello. clinit Hello.java 4 Could not find.. implementation and native interface .c or .cpp . static System.loadLibrary hello will load libhello.so The implementation header HelloImpl.h..
How to use NDK in android project? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4359720/how-to-use-ndk-in-android-project native String getStringAdd int fist int second static System.loadLibrary local_module_ndk Called when the activity is first created...
Calling a java method from c++ in Android http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5198105/calling-a-java-method-from-c-in-android Activity private static String LIB_NAME name static System.loadLibrary LIB_NAME Called when the activity is first created. @Override.. Activity private static String LIB_NAME thelib static System.loadLibrary LIB_NAME Called when the activity is first created. @Override..
Compile C++ source to a .dll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7509757/compile-c-source-to-a-dll static void main String args new HelloJNI .print static System.loadLibrary HelloJNI From here I compiled the java file and called javah..
How do I prepare my .cpp files for the Android ndk to build them? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7656055/how-do-i-prepare-my-cpp-files-for-the-android-ndk-to-build-them com.rarepebble.game3 imports public class Game static System.loadLibrary game3lib These are the functions you defined in C private native..
SWIG (v1.3.29) generated C++ to Java Vector class not acting properly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8145605/swig-v1-3-29-generated-c-to-java-vector-class-not-acting-properly double 10 testVec pragma java jniclasscode static try System.loadLibrary num catch UnsatisfiedLinkError e System.err.println Native code..
JNI Calls different in C vs C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/935379/jni-calls-different-in-c-vs-c c new InstanceMethodCall c.nativeMethod static System.loadLibrary InstanceMethodCall What are the differences in which JNI interacts..