c++ Programming Glossary: sysinfo
Programmatically find the number of cores on a machine http://stackoverflow.com/questions/150355/programmatically-find-the-number-of-cores-on-a-machine std thread hardware_concurrency Win32 SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo GetSystemInfo sysinfo numCPU sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors Linux.. Win32 SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo GetSystemInfo sysinfo numCPU sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors Linux Solaris AIX and Mac.. Win32 SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo GetSystemInfo sysinfo numCPU sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors Linux Solaris AIX and Mac OS X for all..
ReleaseSemaphore does not release the semaphore http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2375132/releasesemaphore-does-not-release-the-semaphore int lpParameter return DWORD int x int main SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo GetSystemInfo sysinfo int numCPU sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors.. DWORD int x int main SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo GetSystemInfo sysinfo int numCPU sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors semaphore CreateSemaphore.. main SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo GetSystemInfo sysinfo int numCPU sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors semaphore CreateSemaphore NULL numCPU numCPU..
How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/63166/how-to-determine-cpu-and-memory-consumption-from-inside-a-process Total Virtual Memory #include sys types.h #include sys sysinfo.h struct sysinfo memInfo sysinfo &memInfo long long totalVirtualMem.. Memory #include sys types.h #include sys sysinfo.h struct sysinfo memInfo sysinfo &memInfo long long totalVirtualMem memInfo.totalram.. sys types.h #include sys sysinfo.h struct sysinfo memInfo sysinfo &memInfo long long totalVirtualMem memInfo.totalram Add other..
Count Processors using C++ under Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/877896/count-processors-using-c-under-windows easier way to do it would be via GetSystemInfo SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo GetSystemInfo sysinfo numCPU sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors Seems.. be via GetSystemInfo SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo GetSystemInfo sysinfo numCPU sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors Seems like GetLogicalProcessorInformation.. SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo GetSystemInfo sysinfo numCPU sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors Seems like GetLogicalProcessorInformation..