c++ Programming Glossary: syms
Automatically adding Enter/Exit Function Logs to a Project http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2281739/automatically-adding-enter-exit-function-logs-to-a-project names from the symbol table using something like objdump syms or nm assuming of course the symbols haven't been stripped from..
A very simple thread pool using pthreads in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3561095/a-very-simple-thread-pool-using-pthreads-in-c Valgrind library directory usr lib valgrind 12394 Reading syms from home rybu prog regina exercise thread1 0x400000 12394 Reading.. rybu prog regina exercise thread1 0x400000 12394 Reading syms from lib ld 2.11.1.so 0x4000000 12394 Reading debug info from.. info from usr lib debug lib ld 2.11.1.so .. 12394 Reading syms from usr lib valgrind helgrind amd64 linux 0x38000000 12394..