c++ Programming Glossary: symmetric
Good C++ GUI library for Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/115045/good-c-gui-library-for-windows of at them. This makes forward and reverse traversal symmetric and cleans up some edge cases for inserting and removing elements..
Can I assume allocators don't hold their memory pool directly (and can therefore be copied)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11703643/can-i-assume-allocators-dont-hold-their-memory-pool-directly-and-can-therefore deallocated via the other. operator shall be reflexive symmetric and transitive and shall not exit via an exception. ... X..
Skewed frustum/off-axis projection for head tracking in OpenGL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16723674/skewed-frustum-off-axis-projection-for-head-tracking-in-opengl 0 headX headZ headY headZ 1 glTranslate 0 0 headZ For a symmetric frustum in the above case where headX and headY is zero the..
How to implement Matlab's mldivide (a.k.a. the backslash operator “\”) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18553210/how-to-implement-matlabs-mldivide-a-k-a-the-backslash-operator backward substitution on b else if isequal A A' A is symmetric R p chol A if p 0 A is symmetric positive definite x R R' b.. else if isequal A A' A is symmetric R p chol A if p 0 A is symmetric positive definite x R R' b a forward and a backward substitution.. a simple forward backward substitution . For square symmetric positive definite matrices Cholesky decomposition is used. Otherwise..
Concatenating/Merging/Joining two AVL trees http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2037212/concatenating-merging-joining-two-avl-trees log n . Assume the right tree is taller the other case is symmetric . remove the rightmost element from the left tree. Let 'n' be..
Operator overloading '+' operator in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3633549/operator-overloading-operator-in-c lhs rhs.inches You'd probably also want to define the symmetric Distance operator const Distance lhs int rhs Assuming the int..
Probability density function problem, from a paper, implemented using C++, not working as intended http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4103477/probability-density-function-problem-from-a-paper-implemented-using-c-not-w 7 you notice that the probability distribution function is symmetric. That means that we can use the above result to find the value..
Friend scope in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/437250/friend-scope-in-c supervised and protected by John . Also friendship is not symmetric. John has a goverment job so he unfortunately is not allowed..
Operator overloading : member function vs. non-member function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4622330/operator-overloading-member-function-vs-non-member-function an overloaded operator declared as member function is asymmetric because it can have only one parameter and the other parameter.. the other hand overloaded operator declared as a friend is symmetric because we pass two arguments of the same type and hence they.. lvalue to a reference why are friends preferred using an asymmetric version gives the same results as symmetric Why do STL algorithms..
Which one will execute faster, if (flag==0) or if (0==flag)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4624536/which-one-will-execute-faster-if-flag-0-or-if-0-flag Of course it can seem stupid that they would not be symmetric but it's certainly allowed and I have seen other abuses already...
Is it safe to `delete this`? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/550189/is-it-safe-to-delete-this this is a code smell that your code might not have a symmetric strategy for object ownership who allocates and who deletes..
How does Excel successfully Rounds Floating numbers even though they are imprecise? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6930786/how-does-excel-successfully-rounds-floating-numbers-even-though-they-are-impreci to 37.78 banker's round while Excel would yield 37.79 symmetric arithmetic round . There is no argument over the rounding of.. how Excel's ROUND function works It is a variant of symmetric arithmetic rounding. It rounds based on a comparison to the.. double x int nplaces bool is_neg false Excel uses symmetric arithmetic round Round away from zero. The algorithm will be..
c++ getline() isn't waiting for input from console when called multiple times http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7786994/c-getline-isnt-waiting-for-input-from-console-when-called-multiple-times Note string is the only fundamental type that is not symmetric with input output ie does not play nicely . If the input contains..