c++ Programming Glossary: swaps
reduce the capacity of an stl vector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1111078/reduce-the-capacity-of-an-stl-vector T v .swap v Swapping the contents with another vector swaps the capacity. std vector T v .swap v is equivalent to std vector..
Is this good code? (copy ctor + operator=) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1457842/is-this-good-code-copy-ctor-operator so an assignment doesn't throw exceptions if it only swaps primitives. Let's a class pointing to a buffer that you need..
pascal's Triangle implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16709748/pascals-triangle-implementation r std cout ' ' 1 std endl constant time because swap only swaps internal ptrs. currentRow.swap prevRow int main int argc char..
Copy constructor and = operator overload in C++: is a common function possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1734628/copy-constructor-and-operator-overload-in-c-is-a-common-function-possible A swap function is typically simple to write as it just swaps the ownership of the internals and doesn't have to clean up..
Are there any better methods to do permutation of string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1995328/are-there-any-better-methods-to-do-permutation-of-string j 1 j s.size j swap s k j 1 j k k j 1 Here swap s i j swaps position i and j of the string s. share improve this answer..
What is move semantics? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3106110/what-is-move-semantics the expression b is an lvalue and the assignment operator swaps the contents with a freshly created deep copy. That is the very..
What is the copy-and-swap idiom? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3279543/what-is-the-copy-and-swap-idiom function. A swap function is a non throwing function that swaps two objects of a class member for member. We might be tempted.. ... Now not only can we swap our dumb_array 's but swaps in general can be more efficient it merely swaps pointers and.. 's but swaps in general can be more efficient it merely swaps pointers and sizes rather than allocating and copying entire..
Convert big endian to little endian when reading from a binary file [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3823921/convert-big-endian-to-little-endian-when-reading-from-a-binary-file of helper functions. 2 of those functions should be endian swaps for 4 byte values and 2 byte values. For some solid examples..
The amortized complexity of std::next_permutation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4973077/the-amortized-complexity-of-stdnext-permutation be errors in the below Let us count the total number of swaps done. We get the recurrence relation T n 1 n 1 T n &Theta n.. n 1 T n comes from fixing the first element and doing the swaps for the remaining n. &Theta n 2 comes from changing the first.. At the point we change the first element we do &Theta n swaps. Do that n times you get &Theta n 2 . Now let X n T n n Then..
Finding duplicates in O(n) time and O(1) space http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5739024/finding-duplicates-in-on-time-and-o1-space wasn't true before. This means that the total number of swaps and thus the total number of executions of the while loop body..
Template Specialization VS Function Overloading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7108033/template-specialization-vs-function-overloading swap like STL containers for example which already have swaps written I know . My questions are What's better template specialization..
Reorder vector using a vector of indices http://stackoverflow.com/questions/838384/reorder-vector-using-a-vector-of-indices is almost twice as fast over 0..10 because it does all the swaps as early as possible and then returns. The reorder vector consists..
How can I sort a singly linked list in constant space? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/842407/how-can-i-sort-a-singly-linked-list-in-constant-space way to do this is to use a sort algorithm that only swaps adjacent elements. I'm going to provide a bubble sort just because..