c++ Programming Glossary: swapbuffers
OpenGL two different 3d rendering picture control on single MFC dialog not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12227586/opengl-two-different-3d-rendering-picture-control-on-single-mfc-dialog-not-work Draw OpenGL scene oglDrawScene Swap buffers SwapBuffers hdc break default break CWnd OnTimer nIDEvent void COpenGLControl..
opengl: glFlush() vs. glFinish() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2143240/opengl-glflush-vs-glfinish you probably won't need neither glFlush nor glFinish. SwapBuffers implicitly directs the OpenGL calls to the correct buffer there's..
Avoid waiting on SwapBuffers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5829881/avoid-waiting-on-swapbuffers waiting on SwapBuffers I have discovered that SwapBuffers in OpenGL will busy wait.. waiting on SwapBuffers I have discovered that SwapBuffers in OpenGL will busy wait as long as the graphics card isn't.. longer or do the swap. I could also imagine perhaps skip SwapBuffers and write my own similar function that doesn't busy wait if..