c++ Programming Glossary: suspected
How to best pass methods into methods of the same class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11260260/how-to-best-pass-methods-into-methods-of-the-same-class function pointers share improve this question As you suspected passing a member function pointer is acceptable practice. If..
Logging/monitoring all function calls from an application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/152097/logging-monitoring-all-function-calls-from-an-application you can have the debugger log function call history of suspected module s using a script or have collect any other information...
Creating HBITMAP from memory buffer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4598872/creating-hbitmap-from-memory-buffer
why is this so much slower in c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7809473/why-is-this-so-much-slower-in-c a difference. To check if the extra time is spent on this suspected function you can add printf statements at the start and end..
What issues can I expect compiling C code with a C++ compiler? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/861517/what-issues-can-i-expect-compiling-c-code-with-a-c-compiler of problems was that C is more strict about types as you suspected. You'll have to add casts where void are mixed with pointers..
Same random numbers every loop iteration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9251117/same-random-numbers-every-loop-iteration decider and carSetter are used in a different ways but I suspected a problem and made it print out carSetter and decider at every..
Matrix Multiplication with operator overloading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9347337/matrix-multiplication-with-operator-overloading operator overloading share improve this question As I suspected your copy constructor and assignment operator are in fact not..