c++ Programming Glossary: surprisingly
How to debug heap corruption errors? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1010106/how-to-debug-heap-corruption-errors look familiar from dmalloc and electricfence and the surprisingly excellent book Writing Solid Code sentry values allow a little..
function passed as template argument http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1174169/function-passed-as-template-argument to much. And the classic C Templates The Complete Guide surprisingly also doesn't discuss it at least not from my search . The questions..
Using std Namespace http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1265039/using-std-namespace increment static int count 0 return count Perhaps slightly surprisingly this is OK. Identifiers imported into a declarative scope appear..
Why is there a performance warning on cast pointer to bool? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1847860/why-is-there-a-performance-warning-on-cast-pointer-to-bool developer responsible for the warning is This warning is surprisingly helpful and found a bug in my code just yesterday. I think Martin..
What are static variables? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1995495/what-are-static-variables
How can I avoid including class implementation files? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2037880/how-can-i-avoid-including-class-implementation-files with command line switches such as M so you can make a surprisingly useful system easily. Build Process Here's the tiny bit that..
What is the performance implication of converting to bool in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/206564/what-is-the-performance-implication-of-converting-to-bool-in-c Microsoft Developer who owns this warning This warning is surprisingly helpful and found a bug in my code just yesterday. I think Martin..
How to initialise memory with new operator in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2204176/how-to-initialise-memory-with-new-operator-in-c new operator share improve this question It's a surprisingly little known feature of C as evidenced by the fact that no one..
Read whole ASCII file into C++ std::string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2602013/read-whole-ascii-file-into-c-stdstring this method while following STL idioms well is actually surprisingly inefficient Don't do this with large files. See http insanecoding.blogspot.com..
What are some reasons a Release build would run differently than a Debug build http://stackoverflow.com/questions/312312/what-are-some-reasons-a-release-build-would-run-differently-than-a-debug-build code. Even though they are timing problems they can be surprisingly stable across builds and platforms with reproductions that work..
How can I assert() without using abort()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37473/how-can-i-assert-without-using-abort with the abort feature bundled in. Fortunately this is surprisingly straightforward. Assert.hh template typename X typename A inline..
Operator overloading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4421706/operator-overloading users code won ™t compile or your users code will behave surprisingly. Assignment Operator There's a lot to be said about assignment...
What C++ Smart Pointer Implementations are available? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5026197/what-c-smart-pointer-implementations-are-available a non owning reference to a boost shared_ptr . You not surprisingly call lock to access the strong shared pointer and must check..
Use C++ with Cocoa Instead of Objective-C? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/525609/use-c-with-cocoa-instead-of-objective-c expect polish in the UI of Mac applications. Qt does a surprisingly good job however and depending on the audience and the use of..
The Best Place to Start Learning C++ [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/525726/the-best-place-to-start-learning-c a lot easier if you don't lump C and c together. They are surprisingly different and finding a C tutorial or C written by a C programmer..
how to achieve 4 FLOPs per cycle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8389648/how-to-achieve-4-flops-per-cycle Studio 2010 2012 and GCC 4.6. ICC 11 Intel Compiler 11 surprisingly has trouble compiling it well. These are for pre FMA processors...
Boolean expression (grammar) parser in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8706356/boolean-expression-grammar-parser-in-c may look cryptic at first but the boost static_visitor is surprisingly simple once you get the hang of it struct printer boost static_visitor..
Compiler support for upcoming C++0x http://stackoverflow.com/questions/980573/compiler-support-for-upcoming-c0x auto decltype. Comeau C or the EDG based compilers are surprisingly not as advanced I would have expected them to be in their implementation..
What's the best hashing algorithm to use on a stl string when using hash_map? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/98153/whats-the-best-hashing-algorithm-to-use-on-a-stl-string-when-using-hash-map found that a simple multiply by 101 and add loop worked surprisingly well. unsigned int hash const char s unsigned int seed 0 unsigned..
Public virtual function derived private in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1061726/public-virtual-function-derived-private-in-c cout B func called endl int main A a new B a func return 0 Surprisingly for me the output was B constructor called B func called Isn't..
Why are redundant class name qualifiers allowed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11423380/why-are-redundant-class-name-qualifiers-allowed a and so on with arbitrary number of A s. But not anymore. Surprisingly version of GCC 4.3.4 used by ideone still suffers from this..
Unix Domain : connect() : No such file or directory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11631578/unix-domain-connect-no-such-file-or-directory struct sockaddr_un socklen_t size strlen address.sun_path Surprisingly all initializations except the last one result in an EINVAL..
Templated copy-constructor fails with specific templated type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1249814/templated-copy-constructor-fails-with-specific-templated-type flawlessly converted between matrices of different types. Surprisingly it fails with a malloc error in the very situation where a simple..
How to append text to a TextBox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12537456/how-to-append-text-to-a-textbox SendMessage textBoxOutput EM_REPLACESEL TRUE LPARAM buffer Surprisingly it prepends the text. I've read the documentation about EM_SETSEL..
Static const string won't get initialized http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1467919/static-const-string-wont-get-initialized I invoke a function that uses these static strings. Surprisingly when in constructor the strings remain uninitialized empty strings..
typedef and incomplete type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3074872/typedef-and-incomplete-type can not be anything other than foo but foo_ptr can be. Surprisingly GCC implementation doesn't have nested pointer type for tr1..
How to understand the design and code flow of any product quickly? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3586410/how-to-understand-the-design-and-code-flow-of-any-product-quickly a mental model of how I would have implemented it. Surprisingly this user oriented first encounter with the product usually..
Why hypot() function is so slow? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3764978/why-hypot-function-is-so-slow What method to calculate a hypotenuse hypot function uses Surprisingly I couldn't find any indication of poor performance in the documentation...
std::ostringstream printing the address of the c-string instead of its content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8287188/stdostringstream-printing-the-address-of-the-c-string-instead-of-its-content Syntax some data Semi inline some data Inline 0x804a03d Surprisingly in the last cast we have the address and not the content Why..
Why do std::string operations perform poorly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8310039/why-do-stdstring-operations-perform-poorly 2.7.2 8.8s C with libstdc 5.9s Java on OpenJDK 7 50.4s Surprisingly I tried O2 O3 in C but noting helped. C seems about only 50..
std::lower_bound slower for std::vector than std::map::find http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8784732/stdlower-bound-slower-for-stdvector-than-stdmapfind numbers of small objects and 3 lookup for all objects. Surprisingly the vector was significantly faster for creating from a range..