c++ Programming Glossary: shared_ptr.hpp
Getting a vector<Derived*> into a function that expects a vector<Base*> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/114819/getting-a-vectorderived-into-a-function-that-expects-a-vectorbase std vector std tr1 shared_ptr Base vec or #include boost shared_ptr.hpp std vector boost shared_ptr Base vec In each case you would..
Code::Blocks and Boost Asio. It just wont work [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11497160/codeblocks-and-boost-asio-it-just-wont-work #include boost noncopyable.hpp #include boost shared_ptr.hpp #include boost asio.hpp using boost asio ip tcp Class to manage..
Storing boost::function objects in a container http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13094720/storing-boostfunction-objects-in-a-container comparable only callbacks. LIVE DEMO #include boost shared_ptr.hpp #include algorithm #include iostream #include typeinfo #include..
How to write a wrapper over functions and member functions that executes some code before and after the wrapped function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2135457/how-to-write-a-wrapper-over-functions-and-member-functions-that-executes-some-co support for member functions too Example #include boost shared_ptr.hpp #include boost python.hpp #include boost python signature.hpp..
Where is shared_ptr? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2918202/where-is-shared-ptr
Why shared_ptr has an explicit constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/304093/why-shared-ptr-has-an-explicit-constructor it would be a fun question to post anyway. #include boost shared_ptr.hpp #include iostream using namespace boost using namespace std..
OneOfAType container — storing one each of a given type in a container — am I off base here? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3221501/oneofatype-container-storing-one-each-of-a-given-type-in-a-container-am-i provides this mapping #include stdexcept #include boost shared_ptr.hpp class typeinfo private typeinfo const typeinfo void operator..
How to use the boost library (including shared_ptr) with the Android NDK and STLport http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4347151/how-to-use-the-boost-library-including-shared-ptr-with-the-android-ndk-and-stl if you like. Edit boost boost smart_ptr shared_ptr.hpp after line 261 to get rid of the call to boost throw_exception.. #endif Include the header wherever you're including boost shared_ptr.hpp. Compile the source and add it to your library. c boost android..
Can boost::smart_ptr be used in polymorphism? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4763814/can-boostsmart-ptr-be-used-in-polymorphism #include iostream using namespace std #include boost shared_ptr.hpp using namespace boost class Foo public virtual string speak..
BOOST ASIO - How to write console server http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5210796/boost-asio-how-to-write-console-server #include boost enable_shared_from_this.hpp #include boost shared_ptr.hpp #include iostream using namespace boost asio class Input public..
Is there a way to disable all warnings with a pragma? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/525677/is-there-a-way-to-disable-all-warnings-with-a-pragma warning push 0 #include boost bind.hpp #include boost shared_ptr.hpp ... #pragma warning pop But know that it's not possible to disable..
Should I switch from using boost::shared_ptr to std::shared_ptr? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6322245/should-i-switch-from-using-boostshared-ptr-to-stdshared-ptr MyProject using std shared_ptr #else #include boost shared_ptr.hpp namespace MyProject using boost shared_ptr #endif share improve..
C++0x Error: overloading a function with std::shared_ptr to const argument is ambiguous http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6322364/c0x-error-overloading-a-function-with-stdshared-ptr-to-const-argument-is-am is the full code that you can try compiling #include boost shared_ptr.hpp using boost shared_ptr #include memory using std shared_ptr..
Preparing for the next C++ standard http://stackoverflow.com/questions/716904/preparing-for-the-next-c-standard #ifdef CPPOX #include memory #else #include boost shared_ptr.hpp #endif There is also the namespace issue in the future shared_ptr.. search replace when the time comes. Replace #include boost shared_ptr.hpp with #include memory and boost shared_ptr with std shared_ptr..
Function hooking in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7743771/function-hooking-in-c #include boost chrono system_clocks.hpp #include boost shared_ptr.hpp template typename T typename Derived class base_wrapper protected..
Using Boost on ubuntu http://stackoverflow.com/questions/846566/using-boost-on-ubuntu wanted to use shared_ptr's you'd just add #include boost shared_ptr.hpp and compile as you normally would. No need to add library paths..
boost serialize and std::shared_ptr http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9944274/boost-serialize-and-stdshared-ptr you are missing an include #include boost serialization shared_ptr.hpp link at the bottom Also the example makes it look like aliasing..
boost::weak_ptr<T>.lock() Crashes with a SIGSEGV Segmentation Fault http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9948113/boostweak-ptrt-lock-crashes-with-a-sigsegv-segmentation-fault 0x7fffefffe650 r ... at usr local include boost smart_ptr shared_ptr.hpp 216 #4 0x000000000068db48 in boost weak_ptr RtmpConnection lock..