c++ Programming Glossary: shellexecuteex
How to create a process in C++ on Windows? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1067789/how-to-create-a-process-in-c-on-windows NULL shExecInfo.nShow SW_NORMAL shExecInfo.hInstApp NULL ShellExecuteEx &shExecInfo return 0 shExecInfo.lpVerb L runas means that process..
How to run application which requires admin rights from one that doesn't have them [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11586139/how-to-run-application-which-requires-admin-rights-from-one-that-doesnt-have-th ERROR_ELEVATION_REQUIRED will be returned. ShellExecute or ShellExecuteEx must be used instead. BTW ERROR_ELEVATION_REQUIRED error 740.. the same runas verb can be added to a ShellExecute or ShellExecuteEx call. ShellExecute hwnd runas C Windows Notepad.exe 0 0 SW_SHOWNORMAL.. alreadyElevated Spawn a copy of ourselves via ShellExecuteEx . The runas verb is important because that's what internally..
How to get hWnd of window opened by ShellExecuteEx.. hProcess? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3269390/how-to-get-hwnd-of-window-opened-by-shellexecuteex-hprocess to get hWnd of window opened by ShellExecuteEx.. hProcess This simple issue seems to be fraught with side.. NULL sei.nShow SW_SHOW sei.hInstApp NULL if ShellExecuteEx sei I have sei.hProcess but how best to utilize it from here.. ProcessID Info Windows.push_back hwnd return true .... if ShellExecuteEx sei WaitForInputIdle sei.hProcess INFINITE ProcessWindowsInfo..
Using ShellExecuteEx and capturing standard in/out/err http://stackoverflow.com/questions/469152/using-shellexecuteex-and-capturing-standard-in-out-err ShellExecuteEx and capturing standard in out err I'm using ShellExecuteEx.. and capturing standard in out err I'm using ShellExecuteEx to execute a command in C. Is there a way to use ShellExecuteEx.. to execute a command in C. Is there a way to use ShellExecuteEx and capture standard in out err Note I don't want to use CreateProcess...
How can I run a child process that requires elevation and wait? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4893262/how-can-i-run-a-child-process-that-requires-elevation-and-wait createprocess share improve this question Use ShellExecuteEx rather than ShellExecute . This function will provide a handle.. 0 shExInfo.nShow SW_SHOW shExInfo.hInstApp 0 if ShellExecuteEx shExInfo WaitForSingleObject shExInfo.hProcess INFINITE CloseHandle..
How can I ask the user for elevated permissions at runtime? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6108851/how-can-i-ask-the-user-for-elevated-permissions-at-runtime SW_HIDE ShExecInfo.hInstApp NULL Spawn the process if ShellExecuteEx ShExecInfo FALSE Result 1 Failed to execute process else if..