c++ Programming Glossary: sh
Command working in terminal, but not via QProcess http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10701504/command-working-in-terminal-but-not-via-qprocess is QProcess p1 p1.start ifconfig grep 'inet' p1.waitForFinished QString output p1.readAllStandardOutput textEdit setText output.. but I tried that as well c linux qt terminal pipe share improve this question QProcess executes one single process... single process. What you are trying to do is executing a shell command not a process. The piping of commands is a feature..
Qt 4.8.2 With GCC Keeps Crashing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12381205/qt-4-8-2-with-gcc-4-7-0-1-keeps-crashing 4.8.2 With GCC Keeps Crashing I've downloaded Qt 4.8.2 library Qt Creator 2.5.2 and manually.. without any error or warning. But the binary keeps crashing when I try to run both from Qt Creator and Windows Explorer.. and Windows Explorer it. Both debug and release builds crash. It crashes even before showing main window. MingW is installed..
How can I compile Boost 1.54.0 (1.54) for the iOS simulator (6.1) on OS X 10.8.4? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17714635/how-can-i-compile-boost-1-54-0-1-54-for-the-ios-simulator-6-1-on-os-x-10-8-4 boost blob 188e905626dbd522f65950102ed0c8ce77cb28e8 boost.sh based on Peter Goodliffe's work here http goodliffe.blogspot.com.. simulator with Boost 1.54.0 with the following error bin sh line 1 ftemplate depth 128 command not found . I did quite a.. quite a bit of digging and here is what I know In boost.sh the iOS simulator bjam and compiler options include arch i386..
Executing MSYS from cmd.exe with arguments http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2546757/executing-msys-from-cmd-exe-with-arguments a huge makefile newbie so if there is an easier way please show me TIA c make wxwidgets mingw msys share improve this question.. way please show me TIA c make wxwidgets mingw msys share improve this question You probably want to set the shell.. share improve this question You probably want to set the shell that gmake uses to execute the commands that make up the..
std::stoi doesn't exist in g++ 4.6.1 on MinGW http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8542221/stdstoi-doesnt-exist-in-g-4-6-1-on-mingw not exist in MinGW for some reason I thought gcc on MinGW sh w ould behave the same as on Linux. c gcc mingw share improve.. sh w ould behave the same as on Linux. c gcc mingw share improve this question This is a result of a non standard.. about this issue and macro here http gcc.gnu.org bugzilla show_bug.cgi id 37522 . If you're willing to modify the header..