c++ Programming Glossary: sf
How to convert a number to string and vice versa in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5290089/how-to-convert-a-number-to-string-and-vice-versa-in-c #include string int main float f 1.2 int i 42 std string sf boost lexical_cast std string f sf is 1.2 std string si boost.. 1.2 int i 42 std string sf boost lexical_cast std string f sf is 1.2 std string si boost lexical_cast std string i sf is 42.. f sf is 1.2 std string si boost lexical_cast std string i sf is 42 How to convert a string to a number in C 03 The most lightweight..
Using Quaternions for OpenGL Rotations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9715776/using-quaternions-for-opengl-rotations float ForwardSpeed 0.05 float TurnSpeed 0.5 Rotation sf Vector3 float Rotation Rotation.x 0 Rotation.y 0 Rotation.z.. 0 Rotation.z 0 PITCH if m_pApp GetInput .IsKeyDown sf Key Up true Rotation.x TurnSpeed if m_pApp GetInput .IsKeyDown.. true Rotation.x TurnSpeed if m_pApp GetInput .IsKeyDown sf Key Down true Rotation.x TurnSpeed YAW if m_pApp GetInput .IsKeyDown..
Is < faster than <=? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12135518/is-faster-than 0 jz Jump if zero equal ZF 1 jg Jump if greater ZF 0 and SF OF etc... Example Edited for brevity Compiled with gcc m32 S..
How does photoshop blend two images together? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5919663/how-does-photoshop-blend-two-images-together Forensic Photoshop Insight into Photoshop 7.0 Blend Modes SF Basics Blending Modes finish the blend modes Romz blog ReactOS..
Prefix search in a radix tree/patricia trie http://stackoverflow.com/questions/794601/prefix-search-in-a-radix-tree-patricia-trie the data set instead of having in had infindibulum . What SF I'm referencing is left as an exercise. You'd still get to the..
Should I pass a shared_ptr by reference? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8385457/should-i-pass-a-shared-ptr-by-reference thought experiment. Let us define a shared pointer type SF std shared_ptr Foo . In order to consider references rather.. than passing function arguments let us look at the type RSF std reference_wrapper T . That is if we have a shared pointer.. reference_wrapper T . That is if we have a shared pointer SF p std make_shared Foo then we can make a reference wrapper with..