

c++ Programming Glossary: rsp

Why GCC does not use LOAD(without fence) and STORE+SFENCE for std::memory_order_seq_cst?


temp std memory_order_seq_cst 0x4613e8 0x0058 mov 0x38 rsp eax 0x4613ec 0x005c mov eax 0x20 rsp 0x4613f0 0x0060 mfence.. 0x0058 mov 0x38 rsp eax 0x4613ec 0x005c mov eax 0x20 rsp 0x4613f0 0x0060 mfence As we know that MFENCE LFENCE SFENCE...

Why does gcc generate 15-20% faster code if I optimize for SIZE instead of speed?


noinline static int add const int x const int y mov rsp rbp return x y 12.71 pop rbp retq ... int z add x y ..

How to obtain a pointer out of a C++ vtable?


0 40 f6 c6 01 test sil 0x1 4 48 89 74 24 e8 mov QWORD PTR rsp 0x18 rsi 9 48 89 54 24 f0 mov QWORD PTR rsp 0x10 rdx e 74 10.. mov QWORD PTR rsp 0x18 rsi 9 48 89 54 24 f0 mov QWORD PTR rsp 0x10 rdx e 74 10 je 20 _Z3fooP3FooMS_FvvE 0x20 10 48 01 d7..

Dual emission of constructor symbols


__gxx_personality_v0 pushq rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 movq rsp rbp .cfi_offset 6 16 .cfi_def_cfa_register 6 movq rdi 8 rbp.. __gxx_personality_v0 pushq rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 movq rsp rbp .cfi_offset 6 16 .cfi_def_cfa_register 6 movq rdi 8 rbp.. __gxx_personality_v0 pushq rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 movq rsp rbp .cfi_offset 6 16 .cfi_def_cfa_register 6 subq 48 rsp movq..

Hoisting the dynamic type out of a loop (a.k.a. doing Java the C++ way)


9 __ZNK1A1fEv 10 LFB1477 11 pushq rbp 12 LCFI0 13 movq rsp rbp 14 LCFI1 15 xorl eax eax 16 leave 17 ret 18 LFE1477 19 .align.. 23 __ZNK1B1fEv 24 LFB1478 25 pushq rbp 26 LCFI2 27 movq rsp rbp 28 LCFI3 29 movl 1 eax 30 leave 31 ret 32 LFE1478 33 .text.. 36 __Z3accPK1Aj 37 LFB1479 38 pushq rbp 39 LCFI4 40 movq rsp rbp 41 LCFI5 42 pushq r14 43 LCFI6 44 pushq r13 45 LCFI7 46..

while (1) Vs. for (;;) Is there a speed difference?


t_while @function t_while .LFB2 pushq rbp .LCFI0 movq rsp rbp .LCFI1 .L2 movl .LC0 edi call puts jmp .L2 .LFE2 .size t_while.. .type t_for @function t_for .LFB3 pushq rbp .LCFI2 movq rsp rbp .LCFI3 .L5 movl .LC0 edi call puts jmp .L5 .LFE3 .size t_for..

C++ Buffer Overflow


since we know how x64 stack works we can start hacking . RSP is stack pointer function stack is addresses above RSP value.. . RSP is stack pointer function stack is addresses above RSP value stack grows into smaller addresses . So we see that RSP.. value stack grows into smaller addresses . So we see that RSP 28h is where cUsername RSP 38h is authenticated and RSP 40h..