c++ Programming Glossary: row2
OpenCV compare two images and get different pixels http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4550458/opencv-compare-two-images-and-get-different-pixels counting different pixels unsigned char row unsigned char row2 int count 0 this happens in a loop fIplImageHeader is current.. y row CV_IMAGE_ELEM fIplImageHeader unsigned char y 0 row2 CV_IMAGE_ELEM lastFIplImageHeader unsigned char y 0 for int.. nChannels x fIplImageHeader nChannels if row x row2 x row x 1 row2 x 1 row x 2 row2 x 2 count Now at the end I..
[Resolved]How to combine 5 matrices in c++/opencv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6681835/resolvedhow-to-combine-5-matrices-in-c-opencv M1 cvCreateMat 5 row width CV_32FC1 row.copyTo M1.row 0 row2.copyTo M1.row 2 M1.row 0 0 M1.row 0 row 0 M1.row 1 0 M1.row.. M1.row 2 M1.row 0 0 M1.row 0 row 0 M1.row 1 0 M1.row 1 row2 0 cvSetZero M1 for int i 0 i 5 i for int j 0 j row width j.. M1 float 0 i CV_MAT_ELEM row float 0 i for int j 0 j row2 width j CV_MAT_ELEM M1 float 1 j CV_MAT_ELEM row2 float 0 j..
Having a matrix MxN of integers how to group them into polygons with boost geometry? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8039896/having-a-matrix-mxn-of-integers-how-to-group-them-into-polygons-with-boost-geome int sx 4 int sy 5 int row0 1 2 3 3 int row1 1 3 3 3 int row2 1 3 3 3 int row3 2 2 1 2 int row4 100 2 2 2 boost array row.. row0 matrix 1 make_array row1 matrix 2 make_array row2 matrix 3 make_array row3 matrix 4 make_array row4 typedef std..