c++ Programming Glossary: rotation.y
Best way to build a list of per type data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/401621/best-way-to-build-a-list-of-per-type-data
Using Quaternions for OpenGL Rotations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9715776/using-quaternions-for-opengl-rotations 0.5 Rotation sf Vector3 float Rotation Rotation.x 0 Rotation.y 0 Rotation.z 0 PITCH if m_pApp GetInput .IsKeyDown sf Key Up.. YAW if m_pApp GetInput .IsKeyDown sf Key Left true Rotation.y TurnSpeed if m_pApp GetInput .IsKeyDown sf Key Right true Rotation.y.. TurnSpeed if m_pApp GetInput .IsKeyDown sf Key Right true Rotation.y TurnSpeed ROLL if m_pApp GetInput .IsKeyDown sf Key Q true ..