

c++ Programming Glossary: rsi

Why does changing `const ull` to `const ull&` in function parameter result in performance gain?


be reduced to carry tmp numbits tmp imax 1 Here's the version of gcc I'm using g version g GCC 4.6.3 20120306 Red Hat 4.6.3.. numbits tmp imax 1 Here's the version of gcc I'm using g version g GCC 4.6.3 20120306 Red Hat 4.6.3 2 These are the commands.. 48 89 fa mov rdi rdx 0.01 400b46 48 03 14 c6 add rsi rax 8 rdx 11.65 400b4a 48 0f af 0c c3 imul rbx rax 8..

Why does gcc generate 15-20% faster code if I optimize for SIZE instead of speed?


int add const int x const int y return x y 100.00 lea rdi rsi 1 eax retq ... int z add x y 1.93 callq add int const.. int add const int x const int y return x y 51.59 lea rdi rsi 1 eax ... __attribute__ noinline static int work int.. int x const int y 18.67 push rbp return x y 18.49 lea rdi rsi 1 eax const int LOOP_BOUND 200000000 __attribute__ noinline..

Where are C/C++ main function's parameters?


in registers so argc will be in edi and argv will be in rsi . Code in the main function generated by the compiler then copies..

Can we see the template instantiated code by C++ compiler


know the function that compiler creates for int specific version. I am using G VC . It will be helpful if some can help me.. .cfi_personality 0x3 __gxx_personality_v0 leal rsi rdi eax ret .cfi_endproc Which really is just an int addition..

How to obtain a pointer out of a C++ vtable?


c6 01 test sil 0x1 4 48 89 74 24 e8 mov QWORD PTR rsp 0x18 rsi 9 48 89 54 24 f0 mov QWORD PTR rsp 0x10 rdx e 74 10 je 20 _Z3fooP3FooMS_FvvE.. 13 48 8b 07 mov rax QWORD PTR rdi 16 48 8b 74 30 ff mov rsi QWORD PTR rax rsi 1 0x1 1b ff e6 jmp rsi 1d 0f 1f 00 nop DWORD.. rax QWORD PTR rdi 16 48 8b 74 30 ff mov rsi QWORD PTR rax rsi 1 0x1 1b ff e6 jmp rsi 1d 0f 1f 00 nop DWORD PTR rax 20 48..

Hoisting the dynamic type out of a loop (a.k.a. doing Java the C++ way)


as fast as just calling the address for the non virtual version . But the difference is insignificant and other factors in.. 168 movq rax rdi 169 movl 1 edx 170 leaq LC0 rip rsi 171 call __ZSt16__ostream_insertIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_PKS3_l.. 190 movq rax rdi 191 movl 1 edx 192 leaq LC0 rip rsi 193 call __ZSt16__ostream_insertIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_PKS3_l..