c++ Programming Glossary: rpm
gcc linker errors on fedora: undefined reference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12376897/gcc-linker-errors-on-fedora-undefined-reference root@myTestMachine kash # root@myTestMachine kash # rpm qa grep gcc gcc 4.6.3 2.fc16.i686 libgcc 4.6.3 2.fc16.i686 arm.. root@myTestMachine kash # root@myTestMachine kash # rpm qa grep g root@myTestMachine kash # root@myTestMachine kash.. grep g root@myTestMachine kash # root@myTestMachine kash # rpm qa grep c libsigc 20 2.2.10 1.fc16.i686 libstdc devel 4.6.3..
How to add compiler include paths and linker library paths for newly installed Boost? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4123618/how-to-add-compiler-include-paths-and-linker-library-paths-for-newly-installed-b How do I add the above mentioned include paths When I do rpm q boost it shows boost 1.33.1 10.el5. Why is that so when I've.. install the latest version of Boost c linux boost build rpm share improve this question You have to include these directories..
Get Rotation Speed of Disk Sample Code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5814371/get-rotation-speed-of-disk-sample-code all day was to get the rotation speed and since SSD have 0 rpm this might be the only way to detect SSD drive. c c visual..