c++ Programming Glossary: retrieved
convert a char* to std::string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1195675/convert-a-char-to-stdstring char to std string I need to use std string to store data retrieved by fgets . To do this I need to convert fgets char output into..
Why is modifying a string through a retrieved pointer to its data not allowed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14290795/why-is-modifying-a-string-through-a-retrieved-pointer-to-its-data-not-allowed is modifying a string through a retrieved pointer to its data not allowed In C 11 the characters of a..
End of File in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1494342/end-of-file-in-c loop only eneterd if both c_tmp AND gamma_tmp can be retrieved from the file. cs_bit.push_back c_tmp gammas_bit.push_back gamma_tmp..
Make my C++ Class iterable via BOOST_FOREACH http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1597695/make-my-c-class-iterable-via-boost-foreach next value. And dereference should then return the value retrieved from the last query call. It may help to take a look at the..
What is “cache-friendly” code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16699247/what-is-cache-friendly-code but we can't buy our way out of latency . Data is always retrieved through the memory hierarchy smallest fastest to slowest . A..
Why [] is used in delete ( delete [] ) to free dynamically allocated array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1913853/why-is-used-in-delete-delete-to-free-dynamically-allocated-array stores the number of objects n somewhere where it can be retrieved if you only know the pointer p. There are two popular techniques..
Purpose of Unions in C and C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2310483/purpose-of-unions-in-c-and-c types. ... so long as the usage is consistent the type retrieved must be the type most recently stored. It is the programmer's..
C++ STL Map vs Vector speed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2572678/c-stl-map-vs-vector-speed hard to explain this part but I'll try. If a variable is retrieved the first time in a program in my language of course its position..
std::string.resize() and std::string.length() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2880248/stdstring-resize-and-stdstring-length into it. A pointer to the actual internal data can be retrieved with the .data member method but note that it also returns a..
Embed Text File in a Resource in a native Windows Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2933295/embed-text-file-in-a-resource-in-a-native-windows-application in the executable binary you can't modify it via the retrieved pointer directly that's why the LoadFileInResource function..
How much work should be done in a constructor? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/293967/how-much-work-should-be-done-in-a-constructor It really just depends on how the information is retrieved and from where. Regardless of the number of constructors on..
Resolving RVA's for Import and Export tables within a PE file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2975639/resolving-rvas-for-import-and-export-tables-within-a-pe-file loaded the PE file into memory using standard c file io retrieved valid DOS and PE headers the optional header as well as gaining..
OpenCV: process every frame http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3907028/opencv-process-every-frame means the callback is going to be executed on each frame retrieved by the system. On my example make_it_gray allocates a new image..
Is endian conversion required for wchar_t data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/421530/is-endian-conversion-required-for-wchar-t-data Yes you will need to swap them. The bytes will be retrieved from the transport in the same order they were put in. Just..
Where can I find the default icons used for folders and applications? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/460980/where-can-i-find-the-default-icons-used-for-folders-and-applications But have no idea where the default application icon can be retrieved from. And additionally do you have any sample code that could..
Windows 7 timing functions - How to use GetSystemTimeAdjustment correctly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7685762/windows-7-timing-functions-how-to-use-getsystemtimeadjustment-correctly updated or a change which is a multiple of the increment retrieved by GetSystemTimeAdjustment . Question one Is this assumption..
c++ getline() isn't waiting for input from console when called multiple times http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7786994/c-getline-isnt-waiting-for-input-from-console-when-called-multiple-times But stops reading after the input has successfully been retrieved and thus will not swallow trailing ' n' characters. Thus if..
Use OpenCV Threshold with Kinect Image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9470375/use-opencv-threshold-with-kinect-image I'm trying to use the OpenCV Threshold with the depthImage retrieved by the OpenCV VideoCapture module but I get the following error..
Win32 determining when keyboard is connected/disconnected http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9930958/win32-determining-when-keyboard-is-connected-disconnected this is the class guid for keyboards and the guidInstance retrieved from IDirectInput8 EnumDevices DI8DEVCLASS_KEYBOARD ... DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY..