c++ Programming Glossary: rewrite
How to use base class's constructors and assignment operator in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1226634/how-to-use-base-classs-constructors-and-assignment-operator-in-c as B D const D d this d D operator const D d Do I have to rewrite all of them in D or is there a way to use B's constructors and..
How to define different types for the same class in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14232293/how-to-define-different-types-for-the-same-class-in-c But then the constructors are not inherited and I have to rewrite them. Is there any mechanism typedefs templates inheritance.....
Using Maven for C/C++ projects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1541771/using-maven-for-c-c-projects and releasing is total nightmare. No I'm not going to rewrite it plz don't ask My question is should I use maven native plugin..
How to pass parameters correctly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15600499/how-to-pass-parameters-correctly credit card will be copied twice in this scenario. If I rewrite that constructor as Account std string number float amount CreditCard.. amount creditCard creditCard there will be one copy. If I rewrite it as Account std string number float amount CreditCard creditCard.. design decisions. CONCERNING THE REST OF YOUR POST If i rewrite it as ... there will be 2 moves and no copy. This is not correct...
Examples of good gotos in C or C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/245742/examples-of-good-gotos-in-c-or-c that many people view goto as something you always have to rewrite in another way. Of course you can avoid a goto by introducing..
How to set up unit testing for Visual Studio C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3150/how-to-set-up-unit-testing-for-visual-studio-c with Legacy Code book . CPPUnitLite2 seems to be another rewrite with more features and bug fixes. I also just stumbled across..
How to use std::sort with a vector of structures and compare function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/328955/how-to-use-stdsort-with-a-vector-of-structures-and-compare-function invocation without a third argument will work or you can rewrite your above function to accomplish the same thing. Notice that..
Looking for C++ STL-like vector class but using stack storage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/354442/looking-for-c-stl-like-vector-class-but-using-stack-storage so it wasn't a drop in replacement. I didn't want to rewrite all the code using the vector so I gave up on it. c data structures..
C++11 rvalues and move semantics confusion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4986673/c11-rvalues-and-move-semantics-confusion std vector int rval_ref return_vector except that in my rewrite you obviously can't use rval_ref in a non const manner. Second..
What is the best library to use when writing GUI applications in C++? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5061877/what-is-the-best-library-to-use-when-writing-gui-applications-in-c the exception of hacks like mono etc then I would need to rewrite 95 of the GUI code. I'm assuming this is where frameworks come..
Use C++ with Cocoa Instead of Objective-C? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/525609/use-c-with-cocoa-instead-of-objective-c Having to write code in C for Linux Windows and then rewrite large portions in Objective C would be very inefficient. Is..
Gui toolkits, which should I use? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/584734/gui-toolkits-which-should-i-use get the GUI partly coded and then realize that I I need to rewrite it with a different toolkit. It should be noted that I have..
Why artificially limit your code to C? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/649789/why-artificially-limit-your-code-to-c and if you have an existing project in C you don't want to rewrite it in a different language just to use a library. You would..
ifstream not reading EOF character http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6512173/ifstream-not-reading-eof-character read an integer and a string from cin EDIT The way I would rewrite your code is like this string line unsigned long pos 0 int linenumber..
How to convert C++ Code to C http://stackoverflow.com/questions/737257/how-to-convert-c-code-to-c C code and header files to C code Will I have to do total rewrite of the code I will have to remove the constructors destructors..
Move assignment operator and `if (this != &rhs)` http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9322174/move-assignment-operator-and-if-this-rhs dumb_array is just another piece of software they have to rewrite because it is too slow. Had dumb_array been designed differently..
If I want to specialise just one method in a template, how do I do it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9330561/if-i-want-to-specialise-just-one-method-in-a-template-how-do-i-do-it specialise the split method void split but I don't want to rewrite the entire template over again The only thing that needs to..