c++ Programming Glossary: rethrow
boost::spirit::qi Expectation Parser and parser grouping unexpected behaviour http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10378970/boostspiritqi-expectation-parser-and-parser-grouping-unexpected-behaviour parse. You could use qi on_error to retry fail accept or rethrow . The MiniXML example has very good examples on using expectation..
Does an exception use move semantics when thrown in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12122317/does-an-exception-use-move-semantics-when-thrown-in-c11 change the meaning of the program i.e if you would rethrow and subsequent catches would suddenly see a changed exception..
C++ : handle resources if constructors may throw exceptions (Reference to FAQ 17.4] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1230423/c-handle-resources-if-constructors-may-throw-exceptions-reference-to-faq-17 try p new p throw something catch ... delete p throw rethrow. no memory leak private int p 2 Or use a smart pointer. When..
Will the below code cause memory leak in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/147572/will-the-below-code-cause-memory-leak-in-c throws catch the exception release the resources then rethrow. This can be difficult to get correct and can become a maintenance..
What is the difference between throw and throw with arg of caught exception? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1481612/what-is-the-difference-between-throw-and-throw-with-arg-of-caught-exception run whereas perhaps the second reuses the same object to rethrow it c exception try catch throw share improve this question..
Who deletes the memory allocated during a “new” operation which has exception in constructor? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1674980/who-deletes-the-memory-allocated-during-a-new-operation-which-has-exception-in the memory allocated for this class itself. Then it has to rethrow the catched exception from the constructor to the caller of..
1D or 2D array, what's faster? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17259877/1d-or-2d-array-whats-faster i delete p i free all alloced p i s delete p free p throw rethrow bad_alloc do some stuff here using p x y deallocate memory..
In C++, is there a difference between ?œthrow??and ?œthrow ex?? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1833982/in-c-is-there-a-difference-between-throw-and-throw-ex c exception handling share improve this question throw rethrows the same exception object it caught while throw ex throws a.. . Now if you modify this caught exception object and rethrow it using throw the type of exception object will still be DerivedClassException..
Why catch an exception as reference-to-const? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2145147/why-catch-an-exception-as-reference-to-const to the exception usually useful only if you want to rethrow it with added context into a higher level . share improve this..
Using default in a switch statement when switching over an enum http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2201493/using-default-in-a-switch-statement-when-switching-over-an-enum it may just be policy to never catch it or always rethrow . something better I haven't considered I'm especially interested..
How can I determine the current exception in a catch (…) block? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2320380/how-can-i-determine-the-current-exception-in-a-catch-block on this After all even C has errno . Because it can be rethrown with a simple throw the exception object must be available.. that can deal with all 'known' exceptions. The trick is to rethrow the exception that you caught with catch ... and then catch..
How can I propagate exceptions between threads? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/233127/how-can-i-propagate-exceptions-between-threads a corresponding switch statement on the main thread which rethrows exceptions of whatever type was recorded on the worker thread... somewhere from that catch clause and then use it later to rethrow an exception. This is the approach taken by Boost.Exception.. exception_ptr using std current_exception . You can then rethrow it later from the same or a different thread with std rethrow_exception..
Does throw inside a catch ellipsis (…) rethrow the original error? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2474429/does-throw-inside-a-catch-ellipsis-rethrow-the-original-error throw inside a catch ellipsis &hellip rethrow the original error If in my code I do the following snippet.. doSomething catch ... doSomethingElse throw Will the throw rethrow the specific exception caught by the default ellipsis handler.. exception dies back to using the original exception try rethrow the exception that was active when doSomethingElse was called..
Are C++ exceptions sufficient to implement thread-local storage? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2487509/are-c-exceptions-sufficient-to-implement-thread-local-storage throw block is that the exception object is referenced by rethrow. Putting two and two together wouldn't executing an entire thread..
How to store different data types in one list? (C++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3559412/how-to-store-different-data-types-in-one-list-c to catch all exceptions clean up the properties and the rethrow the exception. But then ten years from now someone has to add..
Portable C++ Stack Trace on Exception http://stackoverflow.com/questions/616653/portable-c-stack-trace-on-exception do not catch exceptions add themselves to the list and rethrow but I can at least provide a guarantee that all of my library..
Difference between try-catch syntax for function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6756931/difference-between-try-catch-syntax-for-function the C Standard If the catch block does not throw either rethrow the original exception or throw something new and control reaches.. or destructor then the original exception is automatically rethrown. In Simple words A constructor or destructor function try block's.. clause 15.3 paragraph 16 The exception being handled is rethrown if control reaches the end of a handler of the function try..